Bloomberg worries that new jobs data might hurt Obama re-election published a post that illustrates their main concern – that today’s jobs numbers may endanger Obama’s re-election. This is not the foremost concern of most Americans trying to survive his self-proclaimed recovery.
The concern for the President’s job, although he has done everything wrong to create any for other Americans, is misplaced and insulting. Having a major news outlet more concerned that Obama may lose his job when millions of Americans have simply given up trying to find one is shallow.
At the top, we hear what most consumers in America know:
Millions of Americans are paying a high price for President Obama’s economic policies, and more and more people are growing so discouraged that they are dropping out of the labor force altogether,” the former Massachusetts governor said in a statement released by his campaign.
Then into the transition:
The chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, Alan Krueger, said “it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report.” There have been 25 straight months of job growth in the private sector, he said.
And then it’s straight into the Obama love-fest:
Still, there are signs the economy is on a trend toward recovery.
The unemployment rate has fallen from 9.1 percent in August.Consumer confidence climbed last week to the highest level in four years as brighter job prospects and an advancing stock market bolstered Americans’ view of the economy.
The end of the article is somewhat more honest as it tells readers that this might be “the best we’re going to see” and that it is “not enough”. Unfortunately, the current administration doesn’t seem that concerned about it other than the re-election impact – then again, neither does Bloomberg.
How anybody, other than the racists that elected him, could envision another 4 years of this tyranny run amuck is beyond the pale. But liberals are insane and that would explain a lot.