
Rick Santorum: The Least Patriotic Republican

Super Tuesday results are in. Mitt Romney has won six of the ten states, and is the clear frontrunner now more than ever. The question Republican voters must ask is this: Why are we still slogging through this primary season?

The answer to that question is simple: Rick Santorum.

As I noted in this post, we have two goals for 2012: 1) winning the White House, and 2) winning the Senate. The time, money, and attention spent on our primary detracts from accomplishing those two goals. I can’t overstate this point: Every moment, every dollar, every ad wasted on our primary is one less to use in defeating Barack Obama.

And the object of this distraction- Rick Santorum- doesn’t share our values. The concept of separation of church and state- specifically, JFK’s speech on the subject, vowing that he wouldn’t take orders from the Pope- makes Santorum “want to throw up”. The greater personal and economic freedom of the “libertarianish right” (read: the Tea Party movement)- which Ronald Reagan referred to as “the very heart and soul of conservatism”- can’t “succeed as a culture” according to Santorum.

And he’s an embarrassment to our party. He is, after all, Michael Moore’s favorite Republican, the target of Moore’s “Operation Hilarity“, designed to keep our primary running longer- with exactly the consequences I described above. Santorum gleefully, and cluelessly, accepted Moore’s “support”, stating that the pro-Union, Democrat-oriented robocalls “proved” he could attract Democrats. Just as I noted with Newt Gingrich in this post, the left salivates at the prospect of Rick “Man-on-dog sex” Santorum being our nominee, as it would guarantee an Obama victory.

Rick Santorum doesn’t realize the amount of damage he’s doing to our cause, and he doesn’t realize that his presence in the primary endangers our chances of winning this election. He is costing us money, time, attention, and the support of independents- whom we need in order to win.

If Santorum had one scrap of concern for our country’s future, he would drop out and clear the field for our party to focus on defeating Barack Obama, winning the Senate, and righting this ship. He won’t do that, however, which makes him the least patriotic man in the Republican party.

Make no mistake: The 2012 election is the hill to die on. Our success or failure in this election will determine whether we fix our broken economy, restrain our government, and put America back to work, or become Greece.

It’s time to get behind our nominee and take the fight to Barack Obama and Harry Reid.

(Photo credit Gage Skidmore via Wikipedia.org)

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