Not Racist?
A photo of an anti-Obama bumper sticker is circulating the social media world that couldn’t be more repulsive. The sticker reads “Don’t Re-Nig in 2012” in bold letters.
According to ABC News, a website called “Stumpy’s Stickers” designed the sticker, though other media outlets credit a sticker-maker Paula Smith with the sticker’s creation.
Stunningly, Smith doesn’t think the inference to the N word is racist. “The n-word does not mean black. [It means] … sorry, low down person… And besides, Obama is not even black. He’s got a mixture of race,” Smith said in an interview with Forbes magazine.
While there are legitimate reasons to oppose the president and his policies, harmful and racist rhetoric in any form clouds the arguments. The Tea Party, the Republican Party, The Republican Liberty Caucus, American Majority, The Heritage Foundation, et al should soundly denounce any reference to race and then immediately offer positive solutions for the state of our nation.
Whether it was Paula Smith or “Grandpa Stumpy” that created the sticker is of no consequence. Smith’s website was on the verge of collapse due to lack of sales. Stumpy’s Stickers wasn’t particularly successful either. Thankfully, this sticker and it’s shameful creators are going viral for the right reasons; to point out the hideousness of their thinking.
Your nuts I have been seeing this for a year or more. It’s racist and your way behind the curve on this one. How about posting some of the disgusting things they say about the republican candidates.
I still see the hang GWB/Cheney for Nazi war crimes stickers. The word Redneck is being slung around today 24/7 even with TV shows using it, but somehow that demeaning term to white southerners is OK right? Funny how every other word out of “some” blacks mouths, especially in their rap songs is “Nigga” or “my nigga”, thus influencing young people to continue the use of the word, yet that’s OK too right?
It’s all a disgustingly simple ploy to continue the “we are all victims” motto of certain worthless elements of society who expect other’s to pay their way in life for things that happened 200 years ago. It’s also kind of funny how some people will freak out when Obama is called a half-African instead of the victimhood card of half-black.
Of course even though Breitbart proved that Congressmen were not called racist terms by offering a 100k reward for a video of it happening, the same lie was still perpetuated by DEMOCRATS to call the Tea Party racist: CNN even used the racist victimhood [lie} several times, even though it had already been debunked as just, that a big fat lie:
I think this is pretty stupid and doesn’t do a damn bit of good. However, I am for Free Speech, even speech I disagree with. Couple that attitude with the fact that in the black culture the word if used thoroughly. I do not buy into that “we can say it but you can’t” mentality- leads to more Selective Outrage Syndrome.
This is more like the Bush Haters would do, have done and worse.
So yes, tasteless, classless, ignorant, however, the day people cannot speak as they wish out of fear or Political Correctness or Offending Others is the day we might as well roll this all up and declare Sharia Law over the land. Would be the same thing.
Its obviously racist. I dont agree with a single thing the man is about but the intentional mispelling just proves it. If it had said “Dont renege” then it would actually be a pro-obama bumper sticker. The next offense is much greater in my opinion. And that would be the offense of being “not funny”. My late friend Christopher Hitchens always said it was a terrible crime to be not funny and he is right. Look at what poor taste and minimal intelligence creates. A lousy bumper sticker and a controversy that need not be.