More obamacare Lies
“obamacare” was sold on a lie and passed against the wishes of the majority of Americans.
To make matters worse, in an unprecedented move, the man who administers Medicare and Medicaid was appointed in a clearly obvious move to bypass the Constitutional provision for Legislative oversight.
You won’t be keeping your healthcare and your doctor if you like them. There’s going to be a single payer system complete with rationing. It was sold as ”a robust public option” because that sounds so much better than death panel. However, if you listen to the words of the head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, you’ll see exactly where he stands on the subject.
Consider this bit of news reported by Investor’s Business Daily:
The strategy of hide and delay may have collapsed with a new Congressional Budget Office report that reveals that the current 10-year cost of ObamaCare is an astounding $1.76 trillion. That’s nearly double the $900 billion President Obama told a special session of Congress on Sept. 9, 2009, that ObamaCare would cost. He also claimed the “plan will not add to our deficit.”
The new projection is from 2013 to 2022, and when 2014 arrives and costs and taxes are in sync, the 10-year cost of ObamaCare is expected to be well in excess of $2 trillion. Fact is the administration has no clue and never had one concerning how much ObamaCare and its consequences would drive up costs, a fact grudgingly admitted to by Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, under questioning by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.
Johnson noted that we were promised family premiums would drop by $2,500 once ObamaCare and its insurance exchanges were up and running. But the Kaiser Family Foundation has released a study saying that in anticipation of ObamaCare’s arrival, family premiums are up $2,200.
Healthcare is not a “human right”. It’s a commodity. It doesn’t matter if the government redistributes wealth to pay for the healthcare needs of the collective or if you pay for it yourself, it’s still bought and paid for. It’s still a commodity. Healthcare is NOT a right.
BTW, you’re born with rights that are God given. Government does not give your rights to you. As John F. Kennedy so eloquently stated in his 1960 inaugural address “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the State, but from the hand of God”.
“progressives” MUST be voted out of office in November 2012.
Not only is Affordable Health Care not affordable, as stated it is almost double what projections were. How could anyone know when this was shoved down our throats as no congressman, no senator, none had read the bill. Pelosi said, “we have to pass it to see what is inside”. This is no way to run a business, much less a country. Now.. executive order signed by Obama on Friday, Mar 16.. National Defense Resources Preparedness. There is nothing about it in the news, in newspapers, anywhere but the internet? Everyone should read it.