Editorial Cartoons

Inside a Political Machine


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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  1. Outta the Ballpark Tony! Well done! This is who we will get with Romney! IMO, no different than Obama! SAME THING!
    People supporting him better wake up! Excellent toon Tony! KAPAOW! LMAO!

  2. I’m not sure if I fully understand this cartoon. Does it mean that the Republican party’s political process and or position is broken?

    1. This was more to point out as a cartoonist, the issue of Romney’s campaign spokesman playing games with his image and message.. It was stupid to compare his message to an etch a sketch, and advertise it to the world, making Mitt more vulnerable to the base than he already is. However, I didn’t agree with Santorums “Might as well vote for Obama” comment.. Romney isn’t my first choice, but I will proudly support him against Obama….. Thank you for commenting.

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