Democrats by the Numbers 2007- 2012
In late 2006, Americans were rolling along with 4.4% unemployment, the average price for a gallon of gasoline was $2.20, and America’s total national debt stood at $8.5 trillion dollars.
When comparing the statistics above with those of today after Democrats took over both houses of Congress in ’07, held the Senate in the ’10 elections and the Hope n Change White House of the past 3 1/2 years, the average citizens of other nations must be wondering just what were Americans thinking during the 2006 and 2008 elections? As the saying goes, numbers do not lie, and Americans made monstrous uninformed voting decisions in ’06 and ’08 and now future generations of Americans will pay the price for these irresponsible actions for decades to come.
Not only can the consequences of voting for the undefined Hope and Change Liberal’s “fundamental transformation of America” be measured in [massive new debt] dollars and cents, it must also be measured in the [sure-to-come] loss of American freedom to a big debt-spending, all too powerful nanny-state plutocracy-in-the-making. (also known as the fake Democratic party of 2012.) The current all-powerful Liberal plutocracy must tax the workers more and steal a bigger chunk of American’s wealth to feed the nanny-state monstrosity of big government vote-buying through welfare-style handouts. (always done at the expense of the working man.) The following are the true numbers to consider when thinking about voting for four more years of the Obama/Liberal nanny-state destruction of America in 2012:
TOTAL DEBT end of 2006 – $8.5 trillion (sourced above) Total debt as of Jan. 2012 – $15.23 trillion dollars. U.S. debt now equals 100% of the U.S. economy today. In comaprison to other advanced economies, only Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan and Portugal have debts larger than their economies. Four of those countries are also at the root of the current European debt crisis. Add to that the projected 2012 deficit of another trillion-plus dollars, and America has went from $8.5T in total debt to approx. $17T dollars since 2007. That statistic represents the doubling of all the national debt accrued in America’s history… in just six years of Liberal-Democratic rule.
Gasoline cost Americans $2.20 a gallon in Nov. 2006. (and $1.86 a gal when Obama was sworn in) Today, under Barack Obama’s often-stated {back in ’07, ’08 on the campaign trail] skyrocketing energy prices, Americans are being crushed under the weight of paying $3.80 (national average) for a gallon of gasoline to try to get back and forth to work. That means the average working American using 20 gallons of gas to get back and forth to work, now pays an extra $32.00 a week. Add that to the increased cost of groceries and other necessary items due to high fuel prices driving up transportation costs, and middle class America is in a world of hurt when it comes to trying to stretch the paycheck today. For many, this will also mean no summer vacation for the family, which happens to be a longstanding tradition in America.
The U.S. unemployment rate was 4.4% in late 2006. Today it is at 8.3%, and has been over 8% under Barack Obama’s hope and change years in the White House. Should the Bureau of Labor’s numbers-crunchers decide to inject the truth of how many Americans have been taken out of the workforce, (and don’t exist according to them) the effective unemployment rate in America today is actually approaching 15%.
The price of food is also skyrocketing since Liberals took over Congress in 2007, further crushing middle class Americans. As a matter of fact, the price of groceries from 2007 – 2010 increased by an astounding 58%! Add to that the 4.8% increase in 2011 and the projected additional 3% increase for this year and we have seen the price of groceries increase by a whopping, 65.8% since just 2007, under Liberal [fake]Democrats and the Hope and Change Community Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama since 2007. Of course, big daddy government has a solution for skyrocketing food prices: They will just take more money from the working class taxpayers to hand out more food stamps to buy Democratic votes, as in this reported whopping 70% increase in people receiving food stamps in America since….2007. With facts like these is it any wonder folks refer to Barack Obama and his Liberal operatives in Congress as the Food Stamp President and his Liberal food stamp party of big government nanny-state creators?
Clinton and today’s fake Democrat’s role in causing the housing crisis. Millions of hard working Americans have lost billions of dollars in home equity savings due to the depreciated value of their homes caused by the housing and mortgage crisis. A home bought for $330k in 2007 is now worth about $260k today. Most Americans are actually misinformed about the cause of the housing mortgage crisis. The actual cause started back in the 90’s, when Congress required government-sponsored enterprises to purchase CRA loans as part of their affordable housing mandate. As these goals increased over time, the GSEs were forced to seek out even riskier loans to purchase. Then, in 1995, the Department of Housing and Urban Development permitted Fannie and Freddie to purchase subprime securities. Then it steamrolled out of control starting when Republicans were calling for an end to Fannie and Freddie’s “everyone deserves a home, regardless of ability to pay” programs, yet Democrats in Congress let the madness continue unabated. President Clinton was a big part of enabling the housing crisis. With the stroke of his pen, Bill Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. Liberal Democrats went from “everyone deserves a trophy. regardless of accomplishments” straight to “everyone deserves a house, regardless of ability to actually pay for said house.” Bottom line is that Bill Clinton could have prevented the housing crisis train wreck by vetoing that bill. Without it Fannie and Freddie could not have put the taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars in home loans to folks who simply could not afford to buy a house.
In summary, middle-class Americans have experienced high unemployment, skyrocketing energy prices, along with budget-busting cost increases of everyday necessities such as food, clothing and transportation since 2007. We have also effectively doubled our national debt since Democrats took over Congress in 2007 and Obama started implementing his hope and change fundamental transformation of America in 2009. Also of note is that President Obama recently took time out from his 24/7 reelection propaganda-spewing campaign ( funded by the taxpayers) to throw a multi-million dollar dinner party for the great and the good, which also just happened to include… 50 Obama reelection campaign bundlers. ( which is technically illegal) While many Americans struggle to put food on the table today, the elitists gathered in the White House to sip champagne and dine on extravagant menu items, all the while rubbing American’s noses in it with minute by minute television coverage.
Middle class Americans are currently suffering through a 4-year stagnant economy, high inflation ( with more coming) and record amounts of irresponsible new debt to be added to the backs of future Americans. There were about 20 million unemployed or underemployed Americans as of May 2011, and the jobs added during the last 8 months have not averaged enough to keep up with population growth, let alone expand the work force.
Do Americans really want four more years of Obama-nomics, which are rooted in the denial of the above facts? More importantly can Americans afford four more years of Obama’s fundamental transformation of America? Ask the people of Greece how that irresponsible big government debt-spending works out. Simply put, “American austerity measures are coming, and hell is coming with them.” Which way will Americans vote in November?