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Solyndra-Style DOE Loan Report Released

The Obama administration was caught red-handed giving a half-billion, taxpayer-funded green energy loan to a [now bankrupt] green energy company in what is now known as the Solyndra  pay-for-play scandal. While the media downplayed the event, thanks to citizen reporting and social media programs on the Internet, most concerned citizens are now aware of how the Obama administration and the DOE have been using Solyndra-style green energy loans to fill Democrat’s campaign coffers at taxpayer expense.

To add insult to injury, Solyndra employees were caught by a news crew effectively throwing away more taxpayer dollars, as can be seen here. As the public outcry about this taxpayer abuse became louder, Congress started holding hearings about just what went down at Solyndra. So what’s the White House to do under such scrutiny? They hire the former treasury official, Mr. Herb Allison, the former Treasury official who oversaw the TARP [fraud] program to spin up a “report” to try to paint the Solyndra scandal in a good light. This is nothing more than propaganda 101 folks, designed to sweep the Solyndra scandal under the rug. Nothing to see here folks, just move along.

The recently released, ” W/H ‘Independent’ Report on DOE Loans” can be read in it’s entirety here.  While the White House relies on the keywords “independent” and “outsider” in an attempt to make it appear as if this report was done by someone with no DC connections, as noted above it was, in fact, done by the former TARP overseer Mr. Allison. That would be the very same TARP program in which there was very little transparency in spending almost a trillion dollars of the people’s money, which has left most people wondering just where all that money went today.  In a quick response to the release of this report, Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) stated, “This is less a report than an umbrella to deflect the criticism that’s pouring down on the Administration,” In other words, file this report under the Obama-propaganda 101 category.

The Hill came out with an article on the DOE Energy Loan report that has some interesting factoids about this report: (emphasis added)

An outside review of the Energy Department’s embattled green energy loan program calls for several steps to improve oversight but also provides lower estimates of taxpayer risk than an earlier federal forecast.

The “reduced risk” to taxpayers odds of losing their hard-earned dollars, according to this report, has now went down from an estimated $5 billion dollars to a new and revised number of $3 billion tax dollars being put at rick of loss. Color the taxpayers happy and break out the champagne! Does that “reduced figure” of $3 billion lost taxpayer dollars contain the previously lost billions in several bankrupt green energy scams , including  Solyndra? No it doesn’t, and the Obama administration wants the citizenry to forget the lost/stolen/wasted, half a billion tax dollars for the Solyndra pay-for-play scandal, just like they are stonewalling Congressional investigations, lying and trying to cover up the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal that got Brian Terry and thousands of other folks murdered by assault weapons sold by our very own government!

What is also a semi-hidden mind-massage that is being sent to Congress by this report, is that big government needs to get bigger.  Again this is in reference to The Hill article that states: “The report calls on the department to name a “Chief Risk Officer” who would head up a “Risk Management unit” charged with monitoring the loans.” A New Chief officer is now needed to head up a new risk management unit, all on the taxpayer dime because the current incompetents could not properly do their jobs in protecting the people from the taxpayer abuse described above.  Here is a serious hat tip: If the DOE is so incompetent that it can not properly protect the taxpayer from fraud and abuse, while doling out hundreds of billions of tax dollars, then abolish the whole frigging department immediately!

In summary, the recently-released so-called “W/H independent, outsider report is a bunch of bunk put out to allow the current administration to continue using the DOE green energy loan program as a reelect Barack Obama campaign and democrats slush fund, period. Let’s hope Congress is listening to this and takes action to stop any further green energy funding fraud that is designed to reelect Barack Obama and company. That must include no tax dollars to fund the new DOE loans Chief Risk Officer and his bureaucratic big government unit that this propaganda piece posing as an “independent report” is plotting towards starting.




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