Editorial Cartoons

Santorum Rising


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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One Comment

      1. I don’t understand what the cartoon is trying to say. Usually a lift from someone dead upwards in the past has meant helping the person find their way into heaven, ie both individuals are dead or the one being helped is dying?

  1. Love this toon Tony! Well done and well said! Like Rush says, Santorum is the last conservative standing in regards to who we have as the GOP contenders for the 2012 presidential race. He’ll re-establish our military, cut taxes and get our jobs going again. He’ll get America healthy again. And most of all, he’ll debate the heck out of Obama based on Obama’s failures.
    Excellent toon Tony!

  2. I liked Santorum from the beginning until i saw his true voting recodrd in the senate, where he voted with Unions agaisnt the right to work policies. RedState.com published his entire very “liberal” -Progressive big government spending- voting record in it’s entirety. I expect the GOP est. to crush Santorum when they make the decision to, just as they did Newt. Of course Santorum aligns with the old guard moderate-progressive GOP very well for now. That could be why he is getting a pass so far,IMO.

    1. Some of the comments about Santorum is biased. Some of the comments I have seen regarding Santorum are totally fabricated. Compared to all of the remaining candidates, Santorum is the only consistent authentic conservative. Even some of his critics admit that he is authentic. I am surprised to see some conservatives continue to support Romney or/and Newt after observing their poor judgments and persistent unpopularity at the grass root level. In politics, likability and less or non-political, personal and professional baggage are an asset. Both Romney & Newt have a lot of known baggage that could easily be used against them in the general election. The establishment (Republican) made a commitment to have Romney as a presidential nominee. Romney, Newt, & BHO have a lot of things in common: Individual health mandate; cap & trade; bailouts; TARP. Romney try to argue that his work in the private sector and as an outsider helps him better than Santorum – who worked and lived in Washington before, to grow our economy. He promotes himself as a candidate who could fix the American economic problem. He may think that the American people may not know that a POTUS cannot & will not create or and grow jobs. A president could create a healthy environment through a legislative process by the US Congress for a private sector to grow our economy and jobs. Whether a candidate is an insider or an outsider is less important than what they did or do in areas of their expertise. How can we support Romney when his records clearly show that Romney care is the basis for Obamacare (1/6 of the US economy)? His statement that “I do not care for the very poor”; Republicans say we do not want Romney. Thomas Sowell said (…His (Romney’s) Millions of dollars parked in a tax shelter in the Cayman Island is red meat for the class warfare democrats”. It is silly on the part of Romney and others to say that the most conservative person in the race (may not be an ideal of all) is the least conservative shows desperation. It is widely reported that Newt is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) since 1990. CFR stands for a global government at the cost of national independence. In his speech at the center for Strategic & International affairs in July of 1995, I have come across a report that says “He brazenly admitted his disdain for our founding document. According to the report, Newt said “I am for the United Nations”. Gingrich ruined his chance through adulterous affairs and erratic behavior (according to those who know him closely). Newt is unpredictable and Romney is unreliable. Why still some individuals would like to vote for either Romney or Newt, when the BHO and DNC could easily ruin their candidacy in the general? Why do we give to the left a red meat for class warfare? The so called moderates (liberals) will not win in 2012. If conservatives have not learned from what happened to moderate Bob Dole in 1996 and moderate McCain in 2008, they have no body but themselves to blame. Relatively speaking, Santorum has a better chance of beating BHO by making BHO and his failed policies an issue of the general election campaign. The mass media would like us to believe that either Romney or Newt is electable. Knowing fully their vulnerabilities, they promote either of them as ”electable” in order to carry out their massive and vicious attacks in the general to have BHO re-elected. Santorum has a family friendly and manufacturing centered economic policy that could grow our economy and jobs. Not only in social issues is he strong in national security & foreign policy better than any one of the remaining candidates. Please read online his Iran freedom & Support Act & the Syrian Accountability Act which he authored in 2004. His humble beginnings (lived in public housing, from a coal miner grandfather) with almost no political baggage’s unlike Romney & Newt & Ron Paul (with his reckless foreign policy and libertarian views, anti-Semitism views and his racist newsletters) make him immune to class warfare.

  3. I get it. Santorum’s numbers are surging because of divine aid from Ronaldus Magnus, Ronald Reagan. Good cartoon as always. I think this one is my favorite. When does the A.F. Branco T-shirt line come out. This is the one I would put on the front of a plain white T-shirt.

  4. sanitarynapkin is an idiot. no,i’m not going any further than that. hes a globalist and a neocon pos.

    1. Wow, what a neocon kosher con-servative this cartoonist is. To imply that Santorum is a conservative is risible. And to portray Ron Paul like this betrays the artist’s looniness.

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