Hilarious ‘Commercial’ For The Chevy Volt
There are no words for this, other than hilarious!
YouTube Description:
He’s spent $38 in gas – in two months! See how, and see what Bob thinks of his new Volt, his fire insurance, and what it’s like to stay home most of the time! For more information, go to https://www.obamavolt2012.com/.
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Great find, thanks. I saw my first Chevy Volt on the road last week finally, it was abandoned on I-95 between Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, just sitting there.
Good thing about the Volt is you can leave it anyplace with no fears of anyone stealing it.
speedyjerry says: “Good thing about the Volt is you can leave it anyplace with no fears of anyone stealing it.”
Why is that Speedy? Because anyone who see’s one sitting and no one inside figures the damn thing is dead, or doesn’t have enough juice left to get anywhere, and if the cops started chasing you, you wouldn’t have enough power to make it up the exit ramp? Ha, ha, ha,
I hate these cars. I have a little ’94 Honda Civic EX Vtec, 2 dr.,and I’m telling you that is all the car anyone needs. 125 horse power, 3-sp. auto. trans. with overdrive, dumb simple electronics, and still has a distributor. I’ve replaced the whole ignition system with MSD racing components and external coil, hopped up the fuel system, and keep it tuned up. And that little sucker gets 25 miles to the gallon and hauls butt when it needs to. Big back seat that folds down flat, opening to the trunk, with a full size spare. It’s got a electric Sun roof, elec. door locks, pwr. steering, pwr. brakes, factory Alum. mag wheels. You couldn’t ask for more from a little car that’s fun to drive and a snap to park. And it looks good for a car like that.
I don’t need no stinking electric car!
That didn’t sound right. I didn’t mean to make the start of the sentence sound like what I was getting ready to describe was what I hated. On the contrary. I love my little Honda, it’s the electric cars I hate.
HILARIOUS! People are so desperate to have a rich WHITE guy back in the WHITE house that they will stoop to pinning every bad idea in the world on the African American president. LOL!!! Did you know that Obama was responsible for the dust bowl in the early 20th century? Well, HE WAS! So vote for the rich WHITE guy next election.
I can hardly wait for a rich white guy….O’Bama’s only half-way there.
How easy it is for liberal pukes to overlook the fact that the POSPOTUS is now a hellova lot richer than he was as a Community Organizer and that he’s half White….and, obviously, half Black.
When I was a young man in the late “thirties”, his ilk were referred to as “Mulattos”, “high yallers” or “half-breeds”.
And….I have never been clear on the meaning of “African-American”. Perhaps you may elucidate and help this old dude understand the meaning.
Am I “Irish-Scottish-English-German-Native-American-American”?
Bob King