D.A.M Chief DWS Exposes Herself.. Again
DNC [and Democratic Attack Machine] Chairman Debbie Wassermann-Schultz made another appearance on national television recently, in which she makes her usual ludicrous, and totally discredited comments about the “American people,” this time attempting to say that “Real America” just loves Obama-care.. among other things. Check out the video:
After the host of the show quotes several recent poll results showing that as more Americans discover just how dysfunctional and expensive Obama-care will truly be and want it repealed, DWS says no, and that basically that’s not true. (Hint: the host was stating polling from Americans Debbie, not the unicorn-riding puppets on the planet Saturn) Also note that in the Democratic party’s mathematically-challenged world, when the host asked DWS to sum up the 2012 Republican presidential candidate field in ONE WORD, she replies with a slew of D.A.M hate-speech fueled attacks and outright lies, including calling them extremists, on immigration policy [for wanting U.S. law enforced] and tax policy [for wanting a limited government and no taxation without representation that includes no big government tax hikes] and then going so far as to say Republicans want to deny women health-care.
In the immortal words of Doc Holliday, ” It would appear that her hypocrisy knows no bounds.” Talk about out of touch with reality. Reality is coming Debbie, it is coming in the form of a 2010 election-style rebuking of the Liberal [fake] Democratic Party’s big government debt-spending and skyrocketing gas and energy prices of the past 4 years. Reality in the form of the 2012 national elections where “we the people” will say that we have had enough of the out-of-touch-with-reality Obama administration and it’s Liberal minions in Congress. It is time for real solutions for America.