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Hilarious! Excellent Tony! I’ve been watching the recent commercials on the Chevy Volt… What a joke! You know those commercials are most likely government paid which means that “WE the People” are paying for them!
One other thing I love about this toon is Obama’s old car has been on the market and no one wants it!,0,1359495.story
Well done Tony! As usual!
Hilarious! Excellent Tony! I’ve been watching the recent commercials on the Chevy Volt… What a joke! You know those commercials are most likely government paid which means that “WE the People” are paying for them!
One other thing I love about this toon is Obama’s old car has been on the market and no one wants it!,0,1359495.story
Well done Tony! As usual!
Thank you Corkie.. Like the link too!!!