
American Life League: Planned Parenthood Hooking Kids on Sex

Is Planned Parenthood getting kids hooked on sex in order to make them future customers? American Life League says that they are! Below is a graphic video from the American Life League explaining their position. Warning! Graphic Content!

The video shows a male presenter making the claim that Planned Parenthood is indeed attempting to make kids and teens sex addicts by exposing them to sexual content early in life through their sex education programs, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Staff at the Conservative Daily News has checked out the claims and invites its readers to check out the Planned Parenthood website and make their own judgments.

If the claim of the American Life League is true, then Planned Parenthood is not only using tax payer funds to pay for abortions, but are creating for themselves future revenue by addicting our kids to sex.

American Life League (ALL) is a 501(c)(3) organization co-founded in 1979 by Judie Brown and nine other pro-life Americans. It claims to be the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life education organization in the United States. It’s stated mission is as follows: 

American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to natural death—without compromise, without exception, without apology.

The distinguishing mark of American Life League, by which we will be recognized, is our absolute commitment to the sacredness of every innocent human being’s life.

The video wraps up by making the following claim: 

“This is what planned parenthood is all about. Get the kids addicted to sex so they can sell them birth control. When teens catch a sexually transmitted disease; it sells them testing services.

“And when a young girl gets pregnant; it sells her an abortion. This isn’t education! It’s indoctrination intended to drum up Planned Parenthood’s abortion business! “

ALL’s call to action at the end of the video is a request for views to sign into their website and learn of ways to help them defund Planned Parenthood. Information about ALL can be found at their website at:

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Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith is conservative blogger and retired officer of the United States Army Reserve. He writes for his own blog at

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One Comment

  1. Here’s my take:

    Planned Parenthood, a.k.a. the billion dollar government sanctioned Corporation brainchild of elite eugenicists (not much unlike Adolph Hitler) feeds off the public trough of tax monies extracted from us by force, uses large amounts of that money to influence and control those in government to keep its evil racket going (in classic marxist-fascistic style they are as ruthless and linked to the government as IG Farben was to the NAZI regime), is dedicated to depopulation of undesirable races (according to Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg), to the sexualization of children, to the cheapening of God’s gift of appropriate sex and marriage by equating every perversion’s legitimacy with equal standing to what God designed, and worst, to finally murdering the babies produced when it’s plans of cheap, loose sex are followed and result in undesired pregnancies. As it does all this, I propose that we consider that it is an engine of destruction purposely being used to destroy the moral foundations of civilization.

    Cheap, loose sex, homosexuality, sexualization of the young by pedophilia and prostitution are all central components of the demonic babylon mystery religion, the 6000 year old luciferian system of anti-Christ. It is a component of the occult and new age religions; Aleister Crowley’s OTO, satanists, the illuminati and virtually every other satanic cult are also centered on perverted sex rituals, homosexuality and orgies.

    You may remember that the sexualization of America in modern times was accomplished by a sexual predator sociopath named Kinsey who masqueraded as a scientist but falsified studies and manipulated reports to promote the occultic goal of indulgent sexualization of society. This pedophiles work has since been exposed as a fraud. To quote an article of mine:

    “In addition to their eugenic social engineering efforts, the marxist goal has been to de-moralize all Americans. Falsified sex studies by a fraudulent pedophile named Kinsey were sold as justification to destroy American sexual morality. America’s young have been given comprehensive sex educations and indoctrinated into rebellion against all traditional values by their brainwashed leftist marxist professors and teachers. Sexual exploration has been encouraged by every source bombarding a human being in America today.

    These marxists are now executing the next phase of their assault in this area, the sexualization of very young children and encouragement to question their innocent little gender identities. You see, marxists and the elite love pedophilia, it’s the next self-destructive suicidal step in the sexual revolution. They also hate innocence, so the young are indoctrinated into abomination early on.

    And as America was seduced to descend into sewage and engage in every type of sexual indulgence, Planned Parenthood was there every step of the way to take care of all the pesky unwanted pregnancies. Abortions are now paid for, encouraged and protected by our big fat government. It’s a billion dollar a year business now, killing our unborn future Citizenry, America’s work force and hope for tomorrow. Mountains of abortion money grease the paws of politicians and keep the game going while America’s future is being killed.”

    Yet, there is another unseen component to this diabolical program, and that is that Planned Parenthood is directly assaulting the fundamental foundation of modern society in keeping with the doctrine of cultural marxism (What did Karl Marx say?). It is assaulting Chastity, Temperance, Prudence and Fortitude and Charity. And when a baby is killed by abortion as a result of these previous violations of the Cardinal And Theological Virtues, Justice is offended by one of the greatest violations possible.

    Planned Parenthood is purposely and insidiously attacking the moral foundations of human civilization (The Cardinal and Theological Virtues) and promoting the same demoralization and debauchery as cultural marxists (research Gyorgy Lukacs) in order to seize control of society by political change, i.e.. marxist socialism and fascism. Is this link between marxists and eugenicists coincidence? Not at all, for practically every marxist regime has slaughtered those it believed inferior. In addition, Planned Parenthood is sacrificing tens of millions of helpless human babies in a spiritual offering to the demonic god of the new world order of the marxist elites.

    As much as American Civics, the Constitution and accurate American History are PURPOSELY not taught to the young any longer in America, that they as Citizens NOT know their rights or responsibilities; children are neither taught the Cardinal and Theological Virtues, that they NOT learn to judge their actions by the moral law, or the Law of Human Nature as it was called.

    Really now, could we realistically expect there to be any morality or scruples among those that murder babies and rip them apart in their mothers wombs? Or those that allow this to be done to their own babies?

    The first step in defeating any enemy is to come to grips with what you are facing and what tactics are being employed. A proper assessment must be made of the enemy and his strategy.

    1. I know at least a dozen women who have been to Planned Parenthood for health care services, and none of them has been there for an abortion. Abortions are only 3% of Planned Parenthood’s operations. Stop spreading FUD/BS.

      Seek help.

  2. I certainly agree that we should push back hard against the denigration of our Judeo-Christian society, to include protecting freedom of speech for Christians to pray in public, display the Ten Commandments at public places, display the Nativity at Christmas time, and demand a return to traditional values.

  3. Um….it’s a joke video. Not real. You know, satire?
    You people are truly pathetic to be fooled by this prank video. Shows how hateful you are to so quickly accept this as fact. God help you.

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