Editorial Cartoons

Excessive Self-Regard


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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  1. This is so TRUE! This one is going down as a favorite. I would have put Economy & Liberty as the name of the sinking ship; however, it wouldn’t fit for the overall message. It does come down to the US Economy after all. You could substitute a lot of messages on the ship and it would still apply to Obama and the mess we’re in. Thanks Tony, a job well done!

  2. This is so TRUE! This one is going down as a favorite. I would have put Economy & Liberty as the name of the sinking ship; however, it wouldn’t fit for the overall message. It does come down to the US Economy after all. You could substitute a lot of messages on the ship and it would still apply to Obama and the mess we’re in. Thanks Tony, a job well done!

  3. Love it! 🙂
    he would actually have a purser or porter there while he rows away or has someone doing the rowing for him.

  4. Hahahaha….Hahahaha.

    While typing this I just saw a news clip showing Obama claiming he has “righted the ship.”

    Slide two could show him standing in a dinghy(snicker) titled “U.S.S. Narcissist” next to the same ship with just the tip sticking out of the water while proclaiming “We have righted the ship!”

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