Editorial Cartoons

Another Vacation


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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  1. LMAO! Tony!!! This is awesome! Obama and Mickey Mouse DO have everything in common including Mickey voting for him in 08. If the Republicans don’t push for voter ID’s or no vote, Mickey will vote for him again! Just sayin!

  2. Great cartoon it goes w/o saying — Yes we have had a Mickey Mouse President the last 3 years. No jobs, high unemployment, no energy plan plus so much more–He is NO LEADER. As a matter of fact he still has no budget out yet? Too much Golf & Vacation.
    It is unbelievable that in America you can vote today without identification. This just calls out for fraud. This must be changed it will only help our democracy. Thanks Tony for your work. I enjoy it immensely.

  3. GREAT! Love all your ‘toons. Your message is dead on target! Thanks for your brilliance.

    I’m waiting patiently for someone, maybe yourself, to draw the obvious cartoon:

    The Obama “War Room” with the banner It’s the economy, stupid…

    with words ripped from their place and repositioned like:

    It’s the stupid economy!

    Cheers [img]https://img141.imageshack.us/img141/7723/cheerskj4.gif[/img]

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