There Will be Blood in the Streets Today: Beware of D12
Today, Monday Dec. 12th, 2011 Occupiers, Unions, Migrant workers and all around anarchists are planning to shut down every western shipping port in America. If you are not aware of the past history of violent acts perpetuated by those involved in planning this action, Michelle Malkin has their most recent violence well-documented here. For those of you living and/or working on the West coast today, it would be wise to take precautions here.
The following video provides a sample of what we can expect to see in this so-called “peaceful protest” today. Witness the call for violence that many warned could very well lead to blood in the streets in the very near future:
After Jimmy Hoffa Jr’s violence-inducing speech above, we see just what happens when Union organizers are confronted about their violent actions in the following video clip. WARNING Graphic Language:
Now take a good look at the Workers World webpage. Note the following violence-inducing rhetoric from their opening paragraph:
Battle lines have formed as the West Coast Occupy movements, from San Diego to Alaska, flex their collective muscle against the federally coordinated, brutal attacks targeting the pro-Occupy Wall Street movements across the country. They are organizing for blockades of West Coast ports on Dec. 12 in San Diego; Los Angeles/Long Beach; Port Hueneme, Calif. (central coast); Oakland; Portland, Ore.; Seattle; Tacoma, Wash.; and possibly more. Solidarity actions have been called by OWS in New York and inland locations, as well. (emphasis mine)
This is a direct result of Mayors, Politicians and PC Police across America declining to clamp down on these so-called “peaceful protests” in the early stages and preventing their lawlessness from expanding. Look at the above information and videos. Do these people look peaceful? This is what these agitators have been angling for from day 1. Chaos, and the soon to come blood in the streets as these protesters work their way into a violent mob-frenzy that will lead to direct confrontations with Police agencies that have taken an oath to serve and protect the citizenry.