The 99% – Still Fighting Hard For…………
Yep, they’re still out there. The 99% are still fighting the good fight for, well, we’ll see. Oh yeah, against the Wall Street “Man”. Lets take a look.
In Des Moines, they are protesting Romney taking donations from 40 Wells Fargo employees who contributed $49,250 to his campaign. This information comes from campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission. They also demand he return $61,500 from political action committees and individuals said to have ties to Wells Fargo. In a statement Wells Fargo said their PAC does not contribute to presidential campaigns. The protest have led to 10 arrests, all with no resistance. It’s reported that the Des Moines police said the protesters did speak to a manager at the bank allowing them to have a peaceful exchange before being arrested. OK….. Peaceful exchange before being arrested…moving on.
Occupy Oakland tried to rebuild their camp and was quickly shut down by police. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that 15 tents, makeshift kitchen and a bathroom on the city’s industrial west side taken down just as soon as they went up. According to a camp organizer, the new encampment named “Zion Cypress Triangle”, was supposed to be a drug- and alcohol-free “winter camp” and “safe haven” for homeless people and activists. Oakland, it seems, is not putting up with their garbage anymore.
Occupiers in Pasadena are further trying to help the country by protesting at the Rose Parade. Occupy forces have been negotiating with Pasadena police and Tournament of Roses officials for several weeks hoping to prevent any disruptions to the parade scheduled for Jan. 2. The Occupiers will be allowed to march on the parade route after all the official floats have passed. It should be a grand event with planned speakers including anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, and if they’re really lucky, Leftist ever-so-talented (not really) film maker and “accurate information” provider, Michael Moore. The protesters, during their march, intend to display large banners crying about wealth inequality in the United States and will unveil “floats” of their own to include a giant octopus. According to Occupy “spokesman” Pete Thottam, the octopus will be made out of recycled bags and stretch 40 feet from tentacle to tentacle. He said it will represent the stranglehold that Wall Street has on the political process. Protesting the Rose Parade will no doubt have a profound impact on the political process.

There you have it. The 99% update. Anyone still care?