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I like it. About time somebody did something like this.
Thanks for commenting Mary!
OH NO! LOL! OH NO! Hilarious! That’s two days in a row that I’m laughing my head off! HAAA! Great one Tony! This is one that will go down in history for sure!
Thank you Corkie… I here laughter is the best medicine.
Well, that plate of cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa doesn’t seem very practical…I will leave a Mace canister!!!! NICE…A KICK-ARSE SANTA!!!! WAHOO!!!! Merry Christmas to all and to all an ‘Anti-Occupy’ night!!!!!
Thank you Courtney!!!!..
A.F., the threat of soap would have had the same effect, but not as memorable.
I like it. About time somebody did something like this.
Thanks for commenting Mary!
OH NO! LOL! OH NO! Hilarious! That’s two days in a row that I’m laughing my head off! HAAA! Great one Tony! This is one that will go down in history for sure!
Thank you Corkie… I here laughter is the best medicine.
Well, that plate of cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa doesn’t seem very practical…I will leave a Mace canister!!!! NICE…A KICK-ARSE SANTA!!!! WAHOO!!!! Merry Christmas to all and to all an ‘Anti-Occupy’ night!!!!!
Thank you Courtney!!!!..
A.F., the threat of soap would have had the same effect, but not as memorable.
LOL!!!!… Thanks Hank.