Nancy Pelosi Opens Her Mouth – Again
Nancy Pelosi Known For …
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Democrat Party hack, is known for her disastrous tenure as Speaker of the House, flying herself and family at taxpayer expense, defender of the Obamacare bill, and getting Obamacare waivers for companies in her district. She continues to defend the 2009 ARRA (better known as the “stimulus”) even though evidence proves her wrong. (BTW, how can a Catholic continually defend abortion?)
During her watch as Speaker of the House (2007-2011), debt increased $534 trillion and unemployment went from 4.4% to 9.4%. The economy was booming when the Democrats and Pelosi took over Congress in 2007. By the end of their first year in charge, a recession began that many claim to be the worst since the Great Depression.
What She Says the Unemployment Rate Could Have Been
Now she’s at it again.
- 14.5%– “Without the Recovery Act and accompanying federal interventions, whether from the Fed, or Cash for Clunkers, or other initiatives, the unemployment rate last year at the time of the election would have been fourteen and a half percent, not nine and a half percent.”
- 15%– House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at her press briefing Thursday [November 3, 2011] that if the stimulus had not been enacted the unemployment rate would now be 15 percent.
- 16% – “We prevented the country from falling into a Depression – Democrats took courageous votes to do so. Though some paid a price, they showed real political courage – and those courageous votes prevented the unemployment rate from reaching 16%!”
Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims that without stimulus spending unemployment would be 15 percent, but the Commissioner of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is not familiar with any study that would project that number.
Looking at Nancy Pelosi’s actions, it’s a wonder that she has any credibility left. But she somehow manages to get reelected and keep opening her mouth. And the MSM slavishly reports everything she says. So I guess we are stuck with her.
But that’s just my opinion.
Hey dumb idiot Pelosi, the unemployment rate is 18%-20% and has been for the better part of this year and part of last year!! You are so stupid, dumb, stoned on dope for whatever ails you that you got from you Hollywood dope dealing doctor who did all your skin stretchings. You can’t imagine how much I can’t stand your guts!! You alone have done more damage to this country that there is no comparison to all the singular handed Democrats who’ve served in office since Roosevelt before WWII. You alone have been the most destructive force in our government that I just can’t wait to get rid of you long before this term is up you are presently serving. If this new President had any guts I would want them to force you to resign, in lew of going to jail for your crimes against this nation. I hate your guts!!!
It’s to bad that the reporter who asked you those good questions about your investments in some big credit card corporation just before you put the whammy on them but after you got all your money out of them. I get the details straigtened out in the next couple of days, but what I wish he had asked her was, “Speaker(what a joke)Pelosi, would you please tell the American people what party you really belong to?” She would say something dumb like she said today, “What’s your point?” He would come back, “Well, you know how you have told the American people, and have run under this party for so long, but some time ago you changed parties to…what Speaker Pelosi??” She would say, “I don’t understand what you’re trying to get at here. What difference does it make, everyone knows what Party I belong to, and that’s all I have to say about that.” The reporter would continue to ask her the same question, “But Madame Speaker, we have believed in the Democrat Party for so long but when I heard some news here lately, I was rather shocked, what Party is that you now belong to Speaker, would you please tell the American people now and where we can hear you clearly?”
At about that time she would get that wild bug eyed look on her face and you know she hates your guts and wishes she could kill you or order you beaten to death right where you were standing. But the reporter persisted, ” Would you please tell the American people what Party do you belong to so that the next time you run they will know under which Party symbol to look for your name since I doubt you should be putting your name under the old Democrat Party symbol, so what should they be looking for Speaker Pelosi??” About that time she would come unglued and explode on stage from the build up of steam that was coming out of her ears!!, Ha, ha, ha. “Everyone knows, Ms. Speaker, that you do not belong to the Democrat Party anymore, you are a member of the Socialist Democratic Party USA now, aren’t you, you traitor!!!”