Kill The TEA Party Zombies? Barack, Nancy Your People Are Calling
I find it interesting, although disgusting, that the “civil discourse” so championed by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and their Marxist pals does not apply to the horrific video game, “Tea Party Zombies Must Die”, and other violent references towards killing anyone Conservative.
Pelosi, Obama, and the rest of the Marxists in this nation condemned Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh over the shooting of the 9 people at the Gabrielle Giffords appearance in Arizona even though they had absolutely no connection to the violence that day.
Why is it that any violent act is blamed on Conservatives who have nothing to do with the act, while those actually committing the violence are egged on and praised by our esteemed leaders in the Democrat Party and the lame stream media as patriots expressing their political free speech rights? The picture on the left is the “Glenn Beck “zombie from the Blaze web news article.
This new video, produced by, is apparently intended to be comedic, although it is quite graphic. A description of the project (via a press release) reads:
“a humor-tinged Democrat activist website today released a controversial Halloween video portraying marriage equality opposition as brain-dead zombies. The comically bloody and graphic video is set on the White House lawn and features Obama 2012 activists beheading, exploding, and maiming politically conservative zombies with machine guns, grenades, garden shears, and chainsaws.”
“Comically bloody and graphic”!!! Well isn’t that just as quaint as it can be? Finally a comedy you can really laugh at, a game you can let your pre-teens play. These are the Obama supporters, you know, the ones Obama calls mainstream Americans, patriotic, etc.
Conservatives are blamed for the very violence that is openly and loudly called for by Democrats and their leftist media mouthpieces. Where are the denunciations of this overtly violent video game calling for the murder of innocent people due to their political ideology? Once again the hypocrisy of the left is glaring it its scope. How can anyone accept this kind of attitude while denouncing those who espouse peaceful dissent?
Do you remember Barack Obama calling for his supporters to “get in the faces “of their Conservative friends? Remember Obama telling his supporters to “take a gun to a knife fight” to get their way? The funny thing about that last statement is that the very people Obama was addressing are the ones who believe owning a gun should be against the law. Well, I guess it should be against the law for law abiding conservatives to own guns but permissible for the violent-prone to own a gun.
I find this consistent with the “Occupy Wall Street” gangs being praised by Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of the liberals, while denouncing the peaceful TEA Party rallies as violent, hateful mobs full of Nazis, homophobes, etc. I also find it interesting that the hateful and violent TEA Party “mobs” left no damage, no arrest records, no threats towards Jews, and no litter at the end of their rallies…. I could go on.
Is this bunch of political hacks really so ignorant and blind that they think We the People cannot see the duplicity in their statements? When 67% of the American people stand against this kind of attitude how can they possibly continue to spout such tripe unless they are just too stupid to see the handwriting on the wall? Oh, that’s right, they never read anything, they just spout.
Patriots, we are in a war, not against Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, or anywhere else. We are in a war against liberalism right here in America. We are fighting the Democrat Party, the Marxist media financed by George Soros, illegal aliens who feel “entitled” to having their way, and the hordes of Muslim extremists being moved here by the government, using our tax money against us. Unfortunately we are also fighting the mainstream of the Republican Party. WE are fighting for the very soul of America.
The very people who think Tom & Jerry cartoons are too violent support this kind of murderous propaganda. Where are the people who say corporal punishment is violent and unnecessary? Where are the Democrats and media who demand “civility”? They are too busy calling me and those like me racists, homophobes, Nazi’s, etc. to notice where the real problem lays.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
November 5, 2011