Jon Huntsman: I Want To Be President Of The 99%
In one of the biggest flubs of the night, Jon Huntsman said he “wants to be the president of the 99%”. Ouch, Jon. That was not a good move. Check it out, below.
Now, to be honest with you, I think Jon had a good opportunity, maybe even a great one. He should have said,”I want to be president of the 100%”. Instead, he said, “I want to be president of the 99%. I also want to be president of the 1%.” That was an awful response, Jon.
What do you guys think? Did Huntsman miss out on a potentially great opportunity? Or is he so far back in the polls, that it wouldn’t have mattered if he delivered the new Gettysburg Address? Let us know in the comments below. Or, if you see me playing extreme frisbee in Bryant park, you can stop and talk to me then.
If you support the Constitution you must read this new document that has surfaced on the internet and is really gaining ground , it is titled ” For the 99% – The New Common Sense” and many are supporting it :
Or just listen to it here :