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Herman Cain's Accuser Gives First Interview To Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan and Gloria Allred all in one day. Hear the details below.
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Herman took ‘no’ for an answer. It wasn’t “harassment” even if you believe her. Why doesn’t anyone ask if she is a disgruntled ex-employee with an axe to grind.
Obviously if it was legally sexual harassment then they could sue him. Too many on the extreme left define sexual harassment as “feeling uncomfortable” and don’t use the legal definition because they then could not accuse every male who looked them in the eye or smiled at them as sexually harassing them. The definition of sexual harassment used by the Univ. of Maryland is just that, feeling uncomfortable, and that includes “anything” that the woman feels is harassment including anything that makes her feel uncomfortable such as looking at her face, complimenting her clothing, laughing at her joke, not laughing at her joke, smiling, not-smiling, etc. Get real folks, the liberals feel that sexual harassment is anything the woman feels is sexual harassment, not just what a reasonable person would consider sexual harassment, and they don’t use the legal definition. If he violated the legal definition then this woman could have sued him.