Herman Cain's 14 Year Affair with Ginger White. Love, or Pay for Play Sex?
Herman Cain has another accuser and this one isn’t about sexual harassment. In an unbelievable twist in the Herman Cain runs for president saga, one Ginger White now claims that she has has a fourteen year affair with Herman Cain that ended just 8 months ago. This accuser says Mr. Cain flew her around the country to spend time with him, and lavished her with gifts on many occasions. Check out the following video that includes a healthy dose of real journalistic investigating as Ginger White is proven to have libeled someone before, was sued on many occasions, had a history of chronic money problems, and has been evicted for non payment on numerous occasions. Ms. White claims to be a “businesswomen,” yet never has enough money to pay her bills. She says this isn’t about money (telling this story) yet has already got a lawyer. This looks more like an escort service being paid for sex between two consenting adults. Also take note of how Ginger says “some people” will try to make this out to be filthy or dirty, but alludes to her thinking it isn’t. Supposedly having an affair for 14 years with a married man is not only filthy, it is a disgusting indication of this woman’s complete lack of character. Watch the video, tell me she wasn’t making a living off of selling her sexual escapades to Herman Cain. Two wrongs don’t make a right. This woman admits to having supposedly prostituted herself to a married man for 14 years, and now we are supposed to take her at her word?
Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain: MyFoxATLANTA.com
Ginger White seems to have all the answers as to what people will say about this episode coming out after 14 long years of supposedly flying around the country, accepting Mr. Cain’s gifts, eating lavish dinners with him, and all in exchange for what Ms. White? *SEX.* Ms. White refused to mention the word sex in her “coming out” interview party. Isn’t that strange? This appears to be another simple case of gold-digging malcontents trying to make money off of a long-lost meal ticket, this one just happens to be named Herman Cain. Oh and did you know he is running for President of the United States in 2012? Be prepared as the feminazists and assorted Liberal gay women’s rights groups try to paint this gold-digger as some sort of victim. Surely she can be criminally charged as a hooker posing as an escort doing business across state lines if we are to believe her story is 100% correct?
If Ginger is making false accusations here, then why isn’t Cain suing her for libel?
Very good point as usual Max. This has all the smell of an escort service gal getting cut off from Cain’s bank account and lavish trips around the country, and we all know about a woman scorned. I expand on this article today here: Yes We Cain turned into Maybe We Shouldn’t.
She was already sued for libel by an old business partner and lost that battle!
you have already convicted him before all the facts have been gathered, another dumb statement Max. sue her right now in the middle of a race? really? yes you never know, but from the looks of this article hes already convicted.