In The News
Andy Rooney Has Died At The Age Of 92
Sadly mirroring the final days of Steve Jobs, Andy Rooney has also died shortly after resigning from a post that made him famous. Below is an excerpt from CBS news.
(CBS News)
Andy Rooney, the “60 Minutes” commentator known to generations for his wry, humorous and contentious television essays – a unique genre he is credited with inventing – died today. He was 92 and had homes in New York City, Rensseleaerville, N.Y. and Rowayton, Conn.
Rooney had announced on Oct. 2, 2011 in his 1097th essay for “60 Minutes” that he would no longer appear regularly.
You can find the rest of the CBS piece here. Andy Rooney was one of television’s longest running commentators; he will be missed.
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