Wall Street Occupiers Get a Haircut
The Occupy Wall Street gang are cleaning themselves up! Well, not really. A group of barbers who were apparently born without a sense of irony has volunteered to give free haircuts . On Monday afternoon, six barbers set up chairs along Broadway in NYC. Each barber wore a shirt with the name of a large corporation on it. The gesture was meant to reflect a popular banking term called “taking a haircut”, which refers to adjusting a mortgage. Group representative Michael Kink says Wall Street bankers are happy to “take a haircut” on the top 1%, but they need to rescue the economy by offering to do the same for the other 99% of Americans.
Now if only someone could come up with a clever banking term about taking a shower.
or perhaps convincing all the males to stand in front of xray machine for long periods of time. Would save a lot of needless suffering later…