#Occupy Meltdown
Thanks to Townhall.com for this video. There truly are no words to explain this video. It’s sad, ridiculous, disgusting and hilarious all at the same time. If this is what our country has come to, we most certainly are in trouble!
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Woodstock Redux….I’m embarrassed for them all, but a bit fearful of the groups pushing this shit. It’s wierd to sit back and watch them maneuvering this bunch of useful idiots, it’s almost like a dance, choreographed, ya know…I hate them all
JackMick, you are right… the groups pushing this movement are truly frightening. Unfortunately, these kool-aid drinkers are simply pawns in a huge game (on SO MANY levels!). You have a great analogy- it is indeed like a dance. A very haunting and ugly dance. I can’t say that I hate them, but I do pity them. They just have no idea what it truly going on.