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Marxism on Full Display in DC on Saturday

The {fake}Reverend Al Sharpton led  a rally in our nation’s capitol today, which originally was supposed to be a demand for Congress to pass Obama’s Jobs bill. The U.S. Senate put the kibosh on those plans, as it voted down Obama’s jobs bill last week. That did not prevent the latest faux  journolist to be put on national display at MSNBC  from grabbing the microphone and prepping D.C.  for Obama’s dedication speech for the new MLK Jr. memorial tomorrow. And prep them he did. While  Sharpton did throw in some support for Obama’s now dead jobs bill,  that was nowhere near the main theme of this rally. The message that Sharpton wanted to tell the nation was unadulterated  Marxist ideology 101 =  WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION.     From Eric Tucker of the AP via Al  Sharpton enlisted Martin Luther King III for the main theme:

King’s eldest son, Martin Luther King III, was also among the speakers.

Over 45 years ago, my father talked about a redistribution of wealth. In fact, that is probably why he was killed,” King said. “Because he said if America is going to survive responsibly, then it must have a redistribution of wealth.” (emphasis mine)

I,ll let that statement, which was spoken in our nation’s capitol, right in front of the Washington Monument no less,  speak for itself. For the uninformed masses who still deny Barack Obama’s deep-seated Marxist ideology, even after he said almost those exact same words in 2008 to Joe the Plumber in Ohio, here is the definition of Marxism by

The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society’s allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.

Get that? To form a Socialist and ultimately classless society. Play the class warfare victim cards, collapse the free market system and install a utopian Socialistic Society.. where there is one main class of people… what they refuse to tell people is that Socialism results in widespread poverty that in turn breeds a Dictatorship class of rulers that ends up making decisions such as who gets to eat and who doesn’t.  For a more complete understanding about the wealth re-distributive principles inherent in Marxism, please read this article:  The Communist Manifesto – The Capitalist Manifesto – Socialism by Bill Glynn.

Al Sharpton’s rally (from the above link, at also had other points of interest, such as  condemning state laws requiring voter identification at the polls and protesting the recent execution of Troy Davis, a Georgia man convicted of killing an off-duty police officer. Davis maintained his innocence until his death and attracted thousands of supporters worldwide even though courts repeatedly ruled there wasn’t enough evidence to exonerate him.  Marxism relies on the breaking down of a societal system, including corrupting the electoral system which is why these people decry Voter ID laws today.

In case you are wondering who else was at this Marxist protest rally in our nation’s capitol on Saturday, here are the other notable people including many of our very own government’s tax-payer funded employees:

Kathie Williams, a part-time administrator for the Howard County, Md., parks and recreation department. She’d like to find full-time work but has struggled to do so despite an active search.

Belinda Shade, 56, of Waldorf, Md., works as a special education school administrator but said the economy still makes her insecure.

District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray held a separate protest supporting greater autonomy for the district government — Congress must approve the local government’s budget — and joined in the larger gathering. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers were among the other speakers.

Wait a minute, someone from the American Federation of Teachers was there too? Isn’t that just another fancy name for a UNION? Yes it is.

Chanting for jobs and justice, many demonstrators carried banners for their labor unions and wore pins or T-shirts bearing King’s likeness. Obama is scheduled to speak Sunday at the dedication ceremony for the memorial, the first monument dedicated to a black leader on the National Mall. (emphasis mine)

In summary, the [fake] Reverend Al Sharpton made it a point to say this has absolutely nothing to do with Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. In Sharpton’s eloquent [bought and paid for by MSNBC]-speak he ended his speech with,  “This is not about Obama,” he said. “This is about my mama.”  Kinda makes me feel like Sharpton is just as gifted a speaker as the teleprompter-in-chief there.

How many times will America have to witness these anti-American Marxism preachers at events like this one at the National Monument, where big labor Unions, Socialists disguised as Democrats, Communists and MSNBC’s newest propagandist Al Sharpton are all shown to be promoting the overthrow and collapse of America, before they will take a stand against them?

Footnote: What is the now-stated main theme of the Occupy Wall Street protests today? Marxist wealth redistribution in the form of living wages regardless of employment, complete debt forgiveness, free houses for everyone regardless of ability to pay, good jobs regardless of qualifications, etc.etc.etc. Take from the working class and give to the freeloader-class until everyone is mired in poverty.

 From Sharpton’s DC rally, to the Wall Street protests across the nation, with the support of many Socialists sitting in our Congress disguised as Democrats,  America is being systematically dismantled by anti-American Marxist collaborators, including our own President, Barack Obama.   2012  just can’t get here fast enough.



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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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