Who Pays What in Taxes: The Truth Comes Out at CDN
The President wants to raise taxes in America through his phony American Jobs Act and the unconstitutional super debt committee fallacy. Is President Obama trying to slam us into a double-dip recession? Now he wants to impose what he cutely calls The Buffet Rule to tax Americans even further, because as Warren Buffet says, the rich pay less than in taxes than the poor middle class. Is that statement true? Apparently it is a complete fabrication/fallacy as a recent AP fact Check article shows us:
AP Fact Checks Obama: Are the Rich Really Taxed Less Than Secretaries?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he wants to make sure millionaires are taxed at higher rates than their secretaries. The data say they already are….
This year, households making more than $1 million will pay an average of 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes, including income taxes, payroll taxes and other taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.
Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 will pay an average of 15 percent of their income in federal taxes.Lower-income households will pay less. For example, households making between $40,000 and $50,000 will pay an average of 12.5 percent of their income in federal taxes. Households making between $20,000 and $30,000 will pay 5.7 percent.
The latest IRS figures are a few years older — and limited to federal income taxes — but show much the same thing. In 2009, taxpayers who made $1 million or more paid on average 24.4 percent of their income in federal income taxes, according to the IRS.
Those making $100,000 to $125,000 paid on average 9.9 percent in federal income taxes. Those making $50,000 to $60,000 paid an average of 6.3 percent. (emphasis mine)
As we see here President Obama is dead wrong when he quotes the outright lie being told by Warren Buffet about who pays what in taxes in America today. NOTE: Buffet claims his income as capital gains and therefore skirts the issue of paying his fair share also. (That is a great example of the word trickery used in mind manipulation to skew the facts in this situation.) But in looking at the AP fact Check numbers above, we see an even bigger injustice exposed in this propaganda here: Taxes on the rich have already increased since 2009 when Barack Hussein Obama took office. while taxes on the lowest earners have decreased:
2011- If you make more than 1 million your tax rate is now an effective 29.1%, [ UP 4.7% ] from 24.4% in 2009, Obama’s first year in office.
2011- Make 50 – 75k and your effective tax rate is now 15%, [ UP a whopping 8.7% ] from the 2009 tax rate of 50 – 60k at 6.3% .
2011- Those making between 20 – 30 k will pay 5.7%, or [23.4% less than the million-dollar earners.]
Shame on you President Obama and Mr. Buffet. Barack Obama has already raised taxes across the board for the rich, and also raised them on the middle class folks by a whopping 8.7% in your short time in office. Now you want more tax increases? When will it stop?
In 2012, when we vote for common sense conservative principles to stop this economy-crushing Liberal nonsense !
“2011- Make 50 – 75k and your effective tax rate is now 15%, [ UP a whopping 8.7% ] from the 2009 tax rate of 50 – 60k at 6.3% .”
Well, it sucks to be barely poor.
Countries across the world that have a more graded tax system consistently top quality of life indexes (Scandinavian countries, Australia). Although the success of such a system is reliant on culture been pro-society. A more individual, competitive culture such as the US will never quite grasp the value of socialism, and will instead bleet on about ‘liberty’. The notion of liberty that a number of the conservatives have in the US is self-defeating as the quest to preserve their own individual rights simply serves to oppress those around them. 29.1% for households earning $1 million really is a pathetically low.
What is fair is everyone paying the same percentage of their income, If choose to work harder and smarter and am paid for my efforts why should I have to pay more than those who choose not to?
If you want everyone to pay their fair share, than everyone, including those paying nothing or 12% need to pay their fair share as well.