Progressive U.S. Senate Piles on the Debt with 2012 FEMA Bill.
Pretty much everyone in the country wants to fund FEMA ( Federal Emergency Management Agency) to ensure the money is there to help the areas of America that need to recover from the numerous natural disasters of late. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and the subsequent flooding from them have left many towns ravaged and they are in need of federal dollars to help rebuild and repair. Those facts are non-debatable. What is debatable is how this help is to be paid for during the current recession, and that discussion is getting flat out ugly as partisan politics took center stage this week in the U.S Senate. Progressives, led by fake Democrat Harry Reid simply want to pile another $7 billion dollars onto the federal debt chart, while some Republicans have called for responsible cutting in spending to pay for the FEMA funding bill, instead of just borrowing more money from China and other countries. This reminds me of seeing ex-Speaker, Liberal Nancy Pelosi bragging on national TV about the Democrat’s supposed “Pay-Go” policy where they promised to pay as you go when spending the taxpayer’s dollars.
If they have been paying as they were going for the past 5 years of what amounts to Liberal rule in Congress since 2007, then explain to me just how has our national debt skyrocketed by some $7 trillion dollars since then? In an article from 2010, which does not include the massive debt of 2011 under Obama and the Liberals, we see this headline:
Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Speaker Pelosi Vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’ To quote the San Fran Nanny Queen:
“After years of historic deficits, this 110th Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: Pay as you go, no new deficit spending,” Pelosi said in her speech from the speaker’s podium. “Our new America will provide unlimited opportunity for future generations, not burden them with mountains of debt.”
We are constantly barraged with fake Democrats spewing false rhetoric such as above, while in fact being proven to have done just the opposite. Are Americans ignorant enough to actually believe this propaganda? Apparently so, as I witnessed a recent poll that basically said some 59% of Americans now believe that our massive debt explosion was the result of Republican spending. Since Barack Obama has been running our country for almost 3 years now, with fake Democrats given complete control of Congress in the 2006 elections, and while Harry Reid still controls the U.S. Senate today, how can anyone be naive enough to think it’s the Republicans fault for all that debt? As they say in the Liberal propagandists handbook, tell a lie enough times and some people will believe it as the truth. So how is Nancy Pelosi’s lie about Pay-GO working out today the Democratically controlled U.S. Senate? While many Republicans introduced legislation to actually use the Democrat’s vaunted “Pay-Go” to find ways to pay for the FEMA funding bill, Liberal Harry Reid and some progressive RINO-Republicans voted to just put the FEMA bill on the national debt card once again! This Senate bill appears to be some kind of ploy to force the U.S. House of Representatives to go along with the progressive debt-spending of the U.S. Senate. Again, must I remind people that under the U.S Constitution, all spending bills must originate in the House? They are using this fake FEMA bill to try to bully the U.S. House of Representatives, period. In an article from, we see Senator Tom Coburn calling out the progressive hypocrites from both parties, on this proposed new debt spending for FEMA:
With the nation running a $14.7 trillion debt, Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma led the charge to fully pay for the $6.9 billion Senate bill, a fairly unprecedented move.
“We’re almost schizophrenic. We say we need to cut spending, but we say we don’t want to find $7 billion to pay for it. We just want to borrow it,” Coburn accused. And though he has, himself, voted in the past for disaster funding with no offsets, the senator said Thursday, “We’re in a new day. We’re in a new world. (emphasis mine)
FoxNews themselves are also seen right there pushing the progressive debt-spending agenda in the last sentence of that quote. Although Coburn has voted for spending without off-sets before, Fox seems to ignore the mandate of the 2010 elections where the people said they are very concerned about our massive debt-burden and voted against the progressive agenda of more debt-spending, especially during the current stagnant economy. FEMA spending bills during times of vibrant economies and federal revenue increases has absolutely nothing to do with the urgency to get spending under control of today. Has Fox forgotten that our credit rating has been downgraded under the weight on Obama’s progressive spending for the first time in history this year already? Shame on you Fox, that is not fair and balanced reporting there.
Further proof that this debt-laden FEMA Senate bill is a propaganda effort with political motivation at it’s roots is also supplied in the above linked FoxNews article, where Obama-puppet, DHS Chief, Janet Napolitano deemed it necessary to weigh in on the Democrat’s attempt at politicizing the Senate FEMA bill:
At an Aspen Institute event in Washington today, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, in a somewhat rare, impassioned tone, underscored the urgency of the situation.
“The fight we’re in now is to get money for the disaster relief fund. We do not have enough money, given the number of disasters we’ve had this year, to finish the fiscal year, and to do all the things we have to do,” the secretary strongly warned.
We have DHS-ATF employees selling guns to drug cartels, southern border states screaming for help to protect their citizens from the criminal illegal immigrant invasion from Mexico, and this clown deems herself an authority over Congressional legislation and tries to tell them what they should or shouldn’t do? This is just further proof that the Obama administration is trying to manipulate our Congress through media propaganda once again. Need I remind Ms. Napolitano that she is an appointee of Barack Obama, and was not elected by we the people here? She needs to keep that attempt at propagandizing Congressional leglislation to herself, and stay out of our Congress’ business. With her current ignoring of Federal Immigration laws to the detriment of our society, Ms Napolitano belongs in prison, not on national TV lecturing the American people on what is right or wrong for this country!
Senator Rand Paul tried to cut back on U.S. foreign aid spending as a way to pay for the Senate FEMA funding bill, but Harry Reid was joined by several progressive Republicans to deny that common-sense approach to actually “Pay as you go” as the Democrats like to say. “We cannot send welfare to other countries that we don’t have,” Paul pleaded, noting that bridges need to be rebuilt in his own home state before money goes to build them in other countries. Harry Reid is caught red-handed politicizing this Fema bill proposal, as I stated earlier:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., stripped the 2012 funding from a larger annual spending bill to move it in a standalone measure, an unusual move that Republicans say was designed to score political points
Senator John Cornyn also brings up some valid points during this heated debate on the Senate political-football of the Fema debt-spending proposal, instead of actually paying for the 7 billion in spending in the bill:
“Obviously the disaster funding is important. I support funding FEMA. What’s frustrating, though, is this is gamesmanship on the part of Senator Reid,” accused Sen. John Cornyn, R-Tex, whose own state has been ravaged by wildfires. “He knows, and we all know, that in the Continuing Resolution that will pass the House next week that there are appropriations for disaster funding that do not increase the deficit
Cornyn also said that next year the FEMA spending bill should go through the actual regular appropriations process. Does he mean that next year Congress will actually produce a budget for the first time in 3 years there? I,ll believe that when I see it.
Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) unintentionally let the truth come out when he said:
“I’m for paying for it if we can find a way to pay for it,” Blunt told Fox, “But if you want to take any line in the upcoming budget, since it’s going to require borrowing money, and say ‘none of it’s paid for’ in any line, because we don’t get to a balanced budget under anybody’s current plan in the next decade – I don’t think that’s much of an argument.” (emphasis mine)
This bill is said to be to fund FEMA for next year. Sen. Blunt states that it will require borrowing money to pay for it. NEXT YEAR. Our country is now so broke that we can not even find a way to pay for $7 billion in FEMA funding for next year. In looking at the total summary of this 2012 FEMA funding bill outlined here, and seeing the fact that progressives from both parties, led by the nose by Barack Obama and Harry Reid are saying that this bill will be put onto the already debt-laden backs of the working class and their children through more debt-spending should be quite informative, even to the most naive of citizens. Then again, we have some 59% of this country that want to put this nasty debt-spending responsibility onto the shoulders of the conservatives in our Congress. The facts simply do not line up with that often-stated ignorance there. Vote grassroots conservative in 2012 and we just might have a chance to pull out of this fiscal nightmare.