President Obama Addresses Joint Session of Congress [Full Video] Sept 8th
Thursday, September 8th at 7pm Eastern, President Obama will be presenting his jobs plan to a joint session of Congress. Watch here live. If you miss the live speech, we will put a recording here once it is available.
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Well, sounds good, want to see the setails. Sounds like another scam, where we “cut costs” from future spending, 2- 9 years out. Unfortunately, those congresses will not remember those obligations. And once again, he mentioned several time the need to get more teachers. Not that I sceptical of the idea, but the problem isn’t number of teachers per student, but the quality of the curriculum. I am already tired of my childrens homework on how we can go “green” and save the planet, and don’t have much in the way of the old fashioned 3R’s. I view the teachers unions as nothing more than pure unions, and I am sick of them.
And by the way, Jimmy “take out those S.O.B.s” Hoffa, I will not by another union made car, nor any union made item if I can help it. Thanks for declaring war on any one that thinks differently, you have made the differences clear between the parties. I love Americans, your type only love individuals that think like you… Sieg Heil Jimmy!
I never thought I would find such an eeyrvday topic so enthralling!