State-sponsored Capitalism – The New Communism

Let’s start off  by defining some basic forms of totalitarian control in government that still have strong influences today.

First there was Communism, old-school style.  Pretty simple and straigtforward actually. It was a social system, a society,  built around the state holding and owning all property in the name of the people.  The people had no say and no power and a clique of super elites ruled with an iron hand.

Then there was Marxism as Uncle Karl found a better way.  Karl and his pal Freddie Engels were all f*cked up. They started a philosophy of governance that never truly materialized.  It was based upon the notion that the state (history then showed them) given their way would always exploit the common folks through class struggles.  They despised capitalism feeling that capitalism contained the seeds of it’s own destruction, namely unrequited greed, and that after a class struggle an ideal would emege.  A classless society of pure socialism.

You see Marxism was only, after all, a system of thought…nothing more in history, yet it had strong influences with idealistic radicals.  Radicals always step up and proclaim to be saviours, in one form or another, of humankind from themselves.  Each knows full well that he/she has a better way.  Funny thing is that through the pantheon of historical record…, history shows us that they were ALL WRONG! The problem is that these idealists ignored their own personal shortcomings and how they represented the inherent EVIL in man. For to bring about the ideal society of each…, each needed to assert C-O-N-T-R-O-L of the masses and therein as my pal Willie the Speare said…”lies the rub.”

So…, a new nation state was to emerge with a new idea. She was to be called America and she defined that the means and control of goods and services and production thereof would be “privately held”. These upstarts called their system Capitalism and their system depended upon a government controlled by direct representation of the people, the common masses…all of them. Sounded like a good idea huh!  No classes warring amongst one another and if it functioned as “original intent’ had planned then the people would rule and the government officials would serve.  Somewhere along the way though the sh*t started seriously hitting the fan and it became obvious that the inherent evil in mankind had reared up it’s ugly countenance again, as it can always be counted upon to so do.  This time in the form of politicians all too ready and willing to be corrupted by those same “privately held” interests who were dependent upon them, the politicians, for maintanining fertile fields for copious profits in the coin of the realm.

What to do….what to do? These American people were growing restless. Each succeeding generation coming down freedom’s road was seeing less and less freedom and a gretaer loss of personal control for one’s own manifest destiny. It wasn’t suppoosed to be this way many thougt that back in 2008. So when the Pied Piper puppet of Hope and Change came bounding down Freedom’s Road many of the naive, unwashed masses fell to their knees …grovelling and kissing the feet of he who declared himself The One.  And a plague was unleashed upon the land.  The indolent and irresponsible had elected The One.  The One who would assure them that a vast national government would gladly lift the burden of personal responsibility from their shoulders. Ohhh…How they swooned and cheered and danced merrily in the streets. The False Messiah was here and welcomed with open arms, assuming there was no price to be paid for their promised salvation. A short few years later the House of Cards of the Oba-Usurper was to start falling apart as state after member nation state of this Union was to commence suing that very government he led and court after court was to uphold such actions as overbearing and wrong. his minios grew stridently annoyed at his shoddy performance, especially when he ttied to once again raid the now EMPTY COFFERS of this national government and the people of the homeland called America, who would not be fooled any longer, stood up in a public Party show of anger to tell him how pissed-off they truly were.

Let’s now fast-forward to contemporary times and halfay around the worlds to bear witness to the emergence of the great Communist China on to the international scene as a power-player. Not by being an old-line Communist state, but by having taken (with our great assistance) the best of the capitalist world and ideas and adapting them to their Communist system.  Who would have thunk it?  That of all people the late Tricky-Dicky Nixon ( who as he said “we wouldn’t have to kick around anymore”) would be the free-market capitalist gatekeeper who opened up the promise of capitalism for the Communist Chinese.  With an unlimited work-force, long-trained to groupthink mentality under Chairman Mao, the mainland China state has become a marvel upon the world economic scene.  Without having defined or even stated it they have developed a genuinely “new” system.  State-sponsored Capitalism.


And guess who is trying to copy-cat their idea and make it all his own.  The first half-black, sometimes Muslim, President of that shining star of capitalism…the good olde US of A, Barack ‘You can call me Barry’ Hussein Obama. Frustrated that he didn’t haver a totalitarian Communist rule head-satrt like the Mainland Chinese, he did the best he could with public monies he really didn’t have to insert his government into the private sector, thereby corrupting it from within and without.  He handed out IOUs for the People’s money and made no hard and fast regulation upon how it was to be used OR accounting upon it. He acted upon Marx’s and Engel’s great concern and started to foment class warfare and envy by his support of public unions against the peoples’ best interests as a whole.  By creating more and new government sector bureaucrat jobs while the private sector unemployment rose higher and higher; by his attempts to define moderately successful middle-income people as rich if they earned  a combined $200K annually and many other agendas.  That last he believed would make a large enough pool defined as “rich” and evil to fund his venture of…YOU GUESSED IT,


Lo and behold, about halfway through composing this thought-provoking (I hope) topic, I came upon this sad story. How appropriate it is:


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. that picture would have been more convincing if it where a kkk-grand dragon uniform…

    still waiting on the zombie apokolypse

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