Editorial Cartoons

Out of Touch




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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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One Comment

  1. This is so true!!! Great perspective! It’s just what is happening too, Obama has thrown every American under the bus at least once, and many multiple times!

  2. Right on the money again, Antonio! This president is so far out of touch–he might as well be on Mars! EXCELLENT!

  3. You are brilliant as ever…and a MIND reader,LOL…it is what all REAL Americans think and feel..you have the gift to spell it out for us all….GOD BLESS !!!

  4. Of course, all the Libs will pipe up and say “yeah, but it was modified in Tennessee…” which makes no difference, considering that the modifications are probably less than 1/4 of the delivered cost.

    Chairman Zero could have bought an MCI coach from his buddies over in Schaumberg, and had all of the electronics installed by the engineering team at Motorola, just across town.

  5. I’m sorry, don’t you have to be in-touch at some point to be out of touch? This guy does no have a clue that he needs to be working on a resume, because shortly he will be out of a job.

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