Home/Trending Topics/Editorial Cartoons/Bill Maher Wins! Editorial Cartoons Bill Maher Wins! A.F. BrancoAugust 9, 20117 TagsBill Maher Democratic Attack machine Support Conservative Daily News with a small donation via Paypal or credit card that will go towards supporting the news and commentary you've come to appreciate. A.F. BrancoAugust 9, 20117 Facebook X Reddit Telegram Share via Email Print
Ah Viacom – MTV and Comedy Central’s parent. Viacom is itself a liberal lapdog and uses MTV and CC to sell liberalism to the nation’s youth.
Geez with so many lap dogs to pick from you can use variations of this for the next 17 months
So true… the press and the “comedy” circuit are full of it… I mean, full of them. 🙂
Ah Viacom – MTV and Comedy Central’s parent. Viacom is itself a liberal lapdog and uses MTV and CC to sell liberalism to the nation’s youth.
This very well might be the worlds ugliest breed. Certainly a strong contender.
I disagree with Maher on lots of things, but really, this is immature.
I completely agree. No common sense, just empty puppeteering and ventriloquism.
Living in your house must be quite a trip!! Tell me,my creative friend, are the wall padded?