
Did Romney Mislead About Fund Raising Success?

Mitt RomneyOn May 16th, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign announced that he had raised more than $10 million in one day.  Facts are tricky things and according to the official FEC report filed by his campaign, he raised only $2.4 million on that day.

Mitt Romney is not known for his honesty, full-on trustworthiness or much of anything else when it comes to relaying facts, but why lie about this?

An important thing to note is that the FEC filing that lists the roughly $10.2 million dollars only accounts for those donations over $200.00. Did Mitt pull in over $7 million in small donations? Not likely. When examining his quarterly filing states that he only pulled in $18 million for the entirety of Q2? In one day he garnered more than half of his entire stash? His fund-raising machine would have had to implode to have numbers that bad after three months if he had recorded $10 million in a single day.

Mitt Romney is a one-man political machine and is more of the same Washington insider, spineless, populist propagandist that we have had to live with in recent decades. This is just proof that he will say or do anything to get elected. Is that who we really need?


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. You can go on this man’s site and go to “contact” and you can send him an email him and tell him to get out of this race for President. He is a fraud, and a con man. He does not possess a conservative bone in his body and I have sent him several emails explaining to him why he should get out of this race. He is not fit to be president because he has joined the other side now even more than he was before. He is on the side of the environmentalists who believe in this fraudulant man made global warming. We aren’t having any affect on the temperature of this planet and the Sun is the proof, so are volcano’s, so are sunami’s like that hit Japan. We didn’t cause that. And as long as those kinds of things happen on their own, we don’t have any affect on this planet. Romney believes that man has some degree with global warming. Yeah, if you are measuring the temps above a big city from all the buildings heating up the air above it. But the existance of a thunderstorm that goes right over that city and cools everything down is proof that even the big city that heats up the air above the city does not cause man made global warming. It’s because if man did affect the weather then that storm would have either collapsed, gone around the city or over it without dropping a single drop of rain, or something other than what thunderstorms do on their own naturally. Rain falls from them when it reaches the point of saturation.

    This man ignores that whole science of weather except from the global warming activists who are frauds to. That makes him a supporter of fraudulant psuedo-science and the rest is BS. So he is carrying their water now and cannot be anywhere near a candidate for the Republican Party and the message conservatives are trying to get to the American people.

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