Editorial Cartoons

McCain, The Unfriendly Ghost – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon

“McCain, the unfriendly ghost, the most traitorous ghost we know, the Deep State all loves him so.

He’ll stab you in the back and will always vote no, NoName the unfriendly ghost”

The late senator, John McCain, keeps haunting Trump from the grave. Trump has never liked McCain and isn’t shy about telling people why.

Here’s Trump’s Never-McCain List:

  • It has been confirmed that McCain helped distribute the phony “Russia” dossier to the FBI and Media
  • McCain voted No on repealing Obamacare and destroyed the Republicans chance to end it for once and all

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  1. McCain was a horrible man who made a career our of crashing planes.
    He was a notorious alcoholic philanderer who openly boasted of his sexual conquests.
    The only reason he got into Annapolis at all was because of his father and grandfather.
    He was very dumb at Annapolis and thereafter.
    Distributing Clinton authored, obscene “dossier’ was disgusting and evil
    The thumbs down vote was a disgrace.
    This terrible man did horrible damage to America,
    immeasurable lasting damage to our entire political system and social values.

  2. All the money spent by the investigator would have helped those that truly need a hand up. Not a hand out. Anything his daughter says is because he was her Dad and she should defend. We all look past family vaults. But, McCain was a perfect example of people of privilege getting ahead because of family, not on his merit.

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