EU Bailout Money Going to UK/ German Banks- U.S to Bailout Greece?
Many Americans were kind of surprised when German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived for what was largely an unannounced White House visit recently. While many self-proclaimed political experts surmised that the main topic of discussion would be the ongoing three wars the U.S. is currently in, the real agenda has come out recently via thegatewaypundit:
After tripling the US deficit and with unemployment at 9.1% President Obama pledged US financial support to bail out Greece yesterday.
CNBC reported:President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged European countries and bondholders to prevent a “disastrous” default by Greece and pledged U.S. support to help tackle the country’s debt crisis.
Obama, whose political prospects have suffered from persistently high unemployment and ballooning U.S. debt, has pinpointed the euro zone crisis as one foreign “headwind” hitting the U.S. economy.
After a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he stressed the importance of German “leadership” on the issue – a hint that he expects Berlin to help – while expressing sympathy for the political difficulties European Union countries face in helping a struggling member state.
“I’m confident that Germany’s leadership, along with other key actors in Europe, will help us arrive at a path for Greece to return to growth, for this debt to become more manageable,” Obama said.
“But it’s going to require some patience and some time. And we have pledged to cooperate fully in working through these issues, both on a bilateral basis but also through international and financial institutions like the IMF.” (emphasis mine)
If that little tidbit doesn’t get American taxpayer’s blood boiling, this next one is certainly going to blow open some eyes and ears. Not only is Obama pledging stealth U.S. bailout dollars to be sent to Greece, who already has been bailed out numerous times, but the fact is that the money will mainly go to German and UK banks, not Greece itself! Big bankers, just like our very own wall street, have made irresponsible financial decisions, yet will not be held accountable for the losses they incurred by those actions in bailing out Greece with no real plan to fix Greece’s debt problem. Yes they called for the cutesy “austerity” measures, yet those measures are obviously either a huge failure, or this is all just a stealth plot to enable more never-ending Socialist wealth redistribution. Either way, we should be asking since Speaker Boehner supposedly holds the American taxpayer’s purse in the U.S. House of Representatives, just how can Obama decide to bailout big bankers in Germany and the U.K. under the guise of bailing out Greece without it passing through Congress? What say you Mr. Speaker?
Our friends over at birdflu666 exposed the fact about just who has been raking in the billions of bailout dollars that supposedly went to Greece, Portugal, and Ireland:
Peter Böfinger, an economic advisor to the German government, said that the Berlin should come clean about the fact that the billions in eurozone bailouts are going primarily to German banks.,1518,762097,00.html
”[The bailouts] are first and foremost not about the problem countries but about our own banks, which hold high amounts of credit there,” he said.
Well, Peter, I do think more many people in Germany realise that Deutsche Bank and co are making record profits because of the money it is sucking out of the tax payers of Greece and Germany.
But I don’t think it is going to be of much cheer up to Germans already fed up with having to hand over their money to Deutsche Bank and co via national bailouts to find out that the rest is going to Deutsche Bank and co via international eurozone bailouts that violate the Lisbon Treaty (emphasis mine)
So the German people are not happy to hear that their tax dollars are being redistributed to the corrupt, in-bed-with-Merkel Deutsche Bank, while they make record profits. Kinda sounds like Bush/Obama and Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley , BOA and Citigroup here in the U.S. doesn’t it? Now that Obama’s crony-capitalism with those supposedly-Liberal-hated U.S. bankers has been exposed, I believe Obama has taken his Socialistic wealth redistribution overseas to try to disguise it as bailing out Greece. Oh what a tangled web we weave….when voting for the hope n change thieves. Wake up folks.
At least we now know the real reason Obama welcomed Merkel to the White House in a ceremony fit for a “Royal Queen.”