Chicago has a problem. Inner city kids are stabbing, clubbing, shooting, running-over, robbing and bullying eachother. According to Chicago police superintendent Garry McCarthy, the cause is .. government sponsored racism.
Superintendent McCarthy gives us a shining example of pandering to a segment of society at the cost of the rest. in this video of him in a heavily-liberal, mainly-black church making a case for gun rights as a race issue.
Wandering around like a misplaced evangelist, Garry McCarthy also tried to implicate Sarah Palin in the inner-city mayhem. Recalling a situation in Newark, NJ where five people were shot, McCarthy said said he went home to relax and found “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on the T.V.
“She was caribou hunting and talking about the right to bear arms. Why wasn’t she at the crime scene with me?”
To answer the obvious, no, she wasn’t. She also wasn’t shooting people in Newark. We can drive cars and people who drive cars kill other people. We can ride horses and some people die doing that. The idea that somehow a responsible gun owner is to blame or in any way related to the death of five people in New Jersey is ludicrous, intellectually dishonest and an obvious political ploy meant to garner the favor of the uninformed.
Sarah Palin does not shoot black and brown children. In fact, in majority, white people aren’t the major offenders in black or brown homicide. Garry’s attempt to blame racism for the failure of the inner-city community to put good societal values in-place is a pandering, dishonest ploy to favor a liberal agenda. Using reality show as the basis for his argument almost entirely proves the point.
Dave Copel produced research that illustrates the true problem: guns don’t kill people, people do:
For inner-city black teenagers, the homicide rate is astronomical. The huge rise in gun crime perpetrated by older urban teenagers has not been replicated in other areas. In the suburbs, where legal restrictions on guns are generally less severe, the mortality rate has stayed about the same.
That’s right, guns are not the problem. All other factors being equal, it’s the inner-city population that chooses to murder each other. The guns are simply the mode chosen. Would we outlaw bats, crowbars, bows, knives, cars? No, but if guns are no longer the problem, they will try to find the next thing to blame – but not if it means blaming the murderers themselves.
“That’s right, guns are not the problem. All other factors being equal, it’s the inner-city population that chooses to murder each other.” (Mitchell)
Correct. It isn’t racism. It’s gangs, which plague our cities. Those who commit crimes with guns do not represent the vast majority of law abiding gun owners, and they never will. The left uses these incidents to push a false agenda aimed at restricting gun ownership for all, and that won’t fly.
If black-america gives one-ioda for freedom and liberty, they will heed to the words of Justice Clarence Thomas (a man they refer to as uncle tom… and that isn’t being racists) in his written opinion DC v. Heller. And now inner cites want gun control? I don’t believe they would spit on their ancestors who fought and died for the right to bear arms.