
Blago Convicted, Asks “What Happened?”

It appears as though former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich may have just had the realization that he is not just waking up from a very bad dream! In fact, he seems to be having to face the fact that his life has become a nightmare.

From the beginning of this Chicago-style drama Blago has said the truth has come out. Indeed it has!

Before entering the courtroom to hear the verdict in his retrial, Mr. Blagojevich said:

“My hands are shaking, my knees are weak, I can barely stand on my own two feet,” Blagojevich said as he left his house. “It’s in God’s hands, now.”

The former governor was found guilty on 17 of 20 charges in his corruption retrial.

It’s interesting that now Blago seems to trust that God will save him from the consequences of his actions. With the mountains of recorded evidence against him, you would think he would realize that it has all caught up to him. However, that does not seem to be the case. It appears that Mr. Blagojevic was legitimately amazed that he would be found guilty.

Upon hearing that he was found guilty, he turned in bewilderment to his attorney and asked, “What happened?’

Well, Blago, that’s what we here in America call Justice! It suits you well!

Now if that same justice could be served to all politicians who have done the same thing! The reality is it is most all of them in one way or another. Blago’s downfall is those recording! He got caught! He just didn’t expect that the jurors would look past his exceptionally coiffed locks and see to the heart of the matter. He broke the law. Now he must pay the price.

It’s a good day in America!

NBC Chicago

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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