Anthony Weiner: Self-Destruction By Pride And Arrogance
I write with a heavy heart today. I sit watching the train wreck that has become Anthony Weiner’s life and my heart aches. First and foremost- yes, I most definitely believe he should have stepped down, and, as my colleague said, it’s about time! But though I agree that he should have stepped down, it is very painful to watch a person self-destruct.
I’m also in a rare spot today in that I find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with Alan Colmes. He was on Fox News giving his commentary after Mr. Weiner’s news conference, and he said that Mr. Weiner should have been given the opportunity to speak without being heckled by his constituents. I agree with Mr. Colmes. I honestly do not know if that has ever happened before today. While I completely understand the anger of his constituents, he should have been given the opportunity to speak without the heckling from the audience. Call me a softy if you will, but it was heart-breaking to watch.
Yes, he has dished out the heckling himself. He has been nothing but arrogant every time I have seen him on Fox News. I guess it’s true- what goes around comes around. I still cannot relish in what he is going through. I am a firm believer that you do what is right, no mater what has been done to you. It’s not always easy, but doing what is right means being the bigger person. You know the saying… “two wrongs don’t make a right.”
There is a Bible Scripture that I have been praying over for several days now, regarding the situation with Anthony Weiner.
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18
If only Mr. Weiner would have told the truth from the beginning, I strongly believe things would be differently. Though I personally believe he should have stepped down even at that point, I realize that the majority of the American people do not see things such as “inappropriate” texts, emails, tweets, etc. as an offense worthy of resigning. I just personally believe that someone in a leadership position should be held to higher standards. If you fall during your leadership tenure, you should step down. I don’t care if you are a politician, preacher, or leader in another type of organization. To me, being in leadership means you have exceptional standards and qualities. It’s not something you are “owed” or “entitled” to.
The truth is we all have our issues. We all make mistakes. I believe that if we face up to the things we’ve done, and truly work towards making ourselves better, we can get past the worst of the worst. The cover-up is always worse than the actual offense, no matter what it is. It’s one of the number one lessons we try to teach our kids. If you’ve made a mistake, tell the truth. Don’t try to hide it.
Though I completely disagree with Anthony Weiner on probably everything he stands for politically, socially and otherwise, my heart goes out to him. Yes, he has done this to himself. But I cannot celebrate in his demise. I am praying for both he and his wife during this very painful time in their lives. Sadly, so much has been destroyed all because of his lies. I pray that his wife will find it in her heart to forgive him; I pray that the American people will find it in their hearts to forgive him; and above all, I pray that he will find it in his heart to forgive himself. I hope this sad situation will not be for naught, and that he will learn from his mistakes and grow to be a better person.
“I realize that the majority of the American people do not see things such as “inappropriate” texts, emails, tweets, etc. as an offense worthy of resigning.” (Manzanagrano)
Wow. Softy isn’t the word. While everyone is entitled to their opinion over the weiner-issue, sending a picture of your privates to a person you don’t know online is EQUAL to exposing your privates to someone on a street corner.
Yet society will arrest and throw the street flasher in jail for being a pervert, but lets the online flasher get away scot-free?
Thank God for the hecklers. Hopefully that induces shame on others to stop who are in Weiners position who haven’t got caught, yet.
Max, please do not misunderstand… I MOST DEFINITELY feel he should have resigned- and he should have done so IMMEDIATELY! In fact, I would be willing to venture out and say he should have NEVER run in the first place! However, that goes for MOST of our elected officials as well.
I also am not one of those I speak of- “Most Americans’. I believe the moral values of our country have declined to epic proportions. What amazes me, saddens me, angers me, and any other number of emotions is the FACT that many- INCLUDING MOST of his constituents- had no problem with his “inappropriate” texting. I do. I am a FIRM believer that if your life- your ENTIRE LIFE- is not representative of a TRUE leader, you have NO BUSINESS being in a leadership position. Unfortunately a vast number of voters do not see a problem with it. David Vitter is a PRIME example! He should have resigned IMMEDIATELY! And he’s a Republican- so I am equal opportunity.
Where my “softy” comes in is that I just cannot relish in his downfall. Yes, he has gotten what he deserved. And honestly, Max, I do not believe that the heckling will stop anyone in the future. Anyone who is involved in something like this honestly believes they will not get caught. They think they can hide it and never be found out. But as a human being- though I know his consequences are just- it just saddens me to see another human being allow themselves to get caught up in their lies so much that it destroys them.
I respect your opinion, and understand your point about not wanting to relish in a persons demise. Admittedly there are those who do relish in this stuff (immature knuckleheads). I for one do not relish in it. But I understand the hecklers, and agree with them, even though I myself am not the heckler-type. The heckling was indeed appropriate for one reason, and one reason alone: Weiner intentionally mislead the public, lied about it, made fun of it, and got angry over it when nobody believed his lies (as you adeptly pointed out, it was a show of pride and arrogance.) Politicians live in a self-sanitized world, meaning they ignore all criticism, and you can bet Weiner didn’t read a single critical email from his constituents (that would require feelings of guilt and remorse… which I’m quite sure he has none) but he did hear the hecklers. That he couldn’t ignore. Judging at how angry he became at the media for wanting the truth, I can guarantee he would have let loose on the heckler if he had the opportunity. But at least he heard “citizen” voices of disapproval, instead of the liberal media voices that were all to eager to downplay his actions.
I guess it is the same whenever a citizen heckles the president over bad policies. We need hecklers, sometimes it’s the only truth these politicians ever hear beyond the fluffy world they reside in.
I enjoyed your article and discussion.
Hmmmmm… ok Max, I have to concede! You’ve made a VERY GOOD point that I had not thought about until you pointed it out.
I had not thought about the fact that he refused to listen to anyone. While I KNOW this about him, it escaped me that my point about him applies in this part of it as well- he thought he was above getting caught.
It’s so sad that we have reached this point in our country. Have we really come to the point where the ONLY way we will be heard by our leaders is heckling or force? Sadly, it seems as though we have.
Unfortunately, though, on that point, I doubt the heckling even got to him. While I’m sitting here saddened by the demise he is left with by his own arrogance and pride, history shows us his true attitude. I am sure he is not remorseful at all. And hey, since I’ve learned how much his pension package is… yeah, he’s not suffering at all! I’m sure his pride can get over what he’s gone through!
Sadly, though, he has no self respect. That is something altogether different!
Such a sad situation all the way around. And by that I do not mean sad as in he shouldn’t be going through this. I mean sad that we truly have reached this point in our country.
I’m glad you enjoyed the article, and I too enjoyed the conversation!
“Unfortunately, though, on that point, I doubt the heckling even got to him.”
Agreed, and thanks. I look forward to commenting on future CDN posts.