FeaturedIn The NewsPodcasts
Wisconsin Public Employees and Unions are Stealing From Tax Payers [Podcast]
The progressive lap dogs, otherwise known as Big Labor, and the Democrat Senators of Wisconsin are committing theft and fraud. I got so mad about it, I created my first ever podcast.
When critiqueing, be harsh, only way I can make the future ones better (or realize I just need to stop).
Here it is:
Listen as a stream or download to listen on your iPod or MP3 player later (right click and “save as” or “save link as”).
Crisis in the Mid-West: Unions and Public Employees Steal From Taxpayers
Research from the podcast (as promised):
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I liked it. No mention of the recall elections being put together for two of the fleeing dumbocrats?
Yeah, I didn’t catch wind of the recall effort until after the recording. Would have loved to put it in there as well as the fake Dr. Note crap.
Nice job Rich.The break clip pitching CDN is perfect, wouldn’t change a thing on that, and the rest will get smoother as you go along. I did some narration to slide shows years ago and that in itself was a hell of a lot trickier than I ever thought it could be. Again you nailed it. Great idea also.
I.d give you an overall “B”. A for content, B- for delivery, and B+ for struction and composition of the podcast. Also threw in an A for bullet points being well defined adding to the value of the content .
I’ll email you my response.☺