Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?
The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, toed the Obama administration line during a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday. He stated that Egypt’s branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement was “largely secular”. Really? Really?
What The Muslim Brotherhood Says:

In an interview on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation today, Tony Jones interviewed a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr. Kamal El-Helbawy (a.k.a. Kamal Helbawi). While the interview is relatively tame and presents a very politically correct view, it establishes Kamal as a senior level member of the organization. Kamal makes the point the the Muslim Brotherhood is not after political power.
And in any case, the Muslim Brotherhood leadership and spokesman announced it many, many times, as it is in our teachings that we teach to our junior generations, that we are not after power, but we are after a society that is built on, and a political system built on democratic values, freedom and equal social justice, equal opportunities and the dignity of human rights and the respect of human rights.
Sounds pretty good huh? Except that part about social justice.. eerily familiar.
Kamal continues with a tactic that is very similar to those used by the Progressive extremists in America.
..so the priority is not for the private agenda, the priority is for the agenda proposed and the amendments needed and required by the revolutions.
Not – it is not the right time or the place for the private agenda. Neither Islamist, nor the leftist.
Kind of the Islamic form of a “nudge”. “Neither Islamist, nor the leftist”.. let that reverberate. He is basically saying that the Muslim brotherhood is perfectly fine hiding their private agenda while riding on the backs of the Egyptian revolutionaries.
They will help the Egyptian populace achieve their revolution and then they will push their private agenda. What’s interesting is that the popular desire to remove the current government may well progress the Muslim Brotherhood’s private goal by mistake – furtherance towards the re-establishment of a Muslim state that stretches from Spain to India.
This progressive approach to an Islamist nation is further evidenced in an Islamic Republic News Agency article where Helbawi posited that the Iranian revolution of 1979 is a model to follow. Then Kamal demonstrates his belief in the nudge approach (emphasis mine).
“We are with freedom now, until the people are ready to accept Islam,”
The supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mahdi Akif , is taped[2] giving us a view into the ultimate goals of the group he heads.
Muslim Brother’s dream is to form a total Islamic state.
Still sound secular Mr. Clapper?
What The Muslim Brotherhood Does:
With the Obama administration, Americans have certainly become very familiar with the idea that words and deeds don’t always agree. The Muslim Brotherhood preaches peace and justice – the question is how well do they follow their own advice.
First some history. Founded in Egypt in 1928, the group’s charter was to dethrone the Egyptian king, rid the country of western influences and establish a Islamic theocracy. The Muslim Brotherhood became infamous for its terrorist activities and was banned in Egypt and Syria.[1]
While its infamy forced it to renounce violence, the group simply delegated violent activities to other groups – useful idiots if you will. Hamas is certainly the violent arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Queda and Osama Bin Laden were influenced if not funded by the Islamic group.
Frank Gaffney talks of the dangers should the Muslim Brotherhood gain political influence in Egypt.
In the Riots in France in 2005, Muslim youths set sections of Paris on fire. The poor Muslim youth are unemployed and angry. According to a Norwegian documentary[2], the Muslim Brotherhood is fomenting and using this emotion to pull the youth into their cause. The Brotherhood doesn’t stop there, as the film points out, they take advantage of the desperate poor in Paris by asking them to break the law.
The Muslim brother’s have preachers that the send to all cities and suburbs in France .. They tell Muslim youth they may marry more than one woman even though French law prohibits polygami .. They say that in 50 years, or maybe just 40 years we will rule France and Europe because they don’t get as many children as us..
So perhaps they aren’t violent, but that does not make them less dangerous. They are basically planning to use Democracy against itself. At some point there will be more Muslim than secular population in European countries and when that population reaches voting age – Allah’s will be done. The majority is predicted to flip to Muslim domination as soon as 2021.
The American mainstream media also ignores the real dangers of the Muslim Brotherhood. They speak of them as a non-violent, peace-loving group. The actions of the Muslim Brotherhood are akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. Sure, the guy yelling fire isn’t directly hurting anyone and will most likely not trample or crush a single panicked movie-goer, but he did directly cause the tramplings that will surely occur. In the eyes of our laws, that makes the fire-caller as guilty as the trampler, if not more so.
So the Brotherhood’s mind-screw of useful idiots like Hamas, Al Queda, Bin Laden, the desperate poor in France are certainly not the actions of a peace-loving, justice-seeking group. They just have others do their evil bidding while they sit back and watch the carnage as if there is no blood on their hands – our mainstream journalists are taking it hook, line and sinker.
So Mr. Clapper Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?
They are a religious (a.k.a. NOT SECULAR) group seeking the Islamification of the free world using violent sub-groups, the cradle, political influence and the ignorance of desperate, poor Muslim youth. Did we clear it up for you Mr. Director of National Intelligence?
[1] “Muslim Brotherhood” – https://www.adl.org/terrorism/symbols/muslim_brotherhood_1.asp
[2] “Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Europe” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f1P-d3gFEk
It appears that our “Director of National Intelligence,” has either started to believe the Obama administration’s propaganda to the point where he is repeating it verbatim, or he is too ignorant to be taken seriously. Which one of those is more likely ?
Someone, somewhere has to have printed Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in all the Middle Eastern languages, as they are using it every bit as good as the Communist Leftists do here in America today. The same Anti-Americans who call Glenn Beck crazy and try to use these same tactics to smear him daily, will also try to say, that since the Director here says the brotherhood isn’t violent and is not looking to install Sharia governments worldwide, surely it must be true.
Clapper took an Oath of office and with this testimony he is proven to be guilty of Treason minimum. Just claiming he is totally stupid is no legal defense for this injustice here. It certainly wouldn’t be very difficult to pull up recent reports on the Muslim brotherhood and their actions that have crossed this man’s desk. That would prove he knows he lied in front of Congress and planned on doing it before he walked in there. Thus we have grounds to remove him immediately. The only thing stopping that from happening is the gutless cowards are running these scam hearings where they expose this stuff but never have the guts to take action against it. Just like Rangel’s 3-ring circus “trial”. All bluster and theater, never any real action taken, no real punishment handed down.
It makes me sick to see these people even utter the word Justice in any way shape or form.
Prior to Muhammad’s entery into Mecca to take the city with his band of warriors and envoy was sent out to meet him. He was given a choice to accept Islam or die. In a Muslim society built on Sharia law anyone not abiding by it is considered a second class citizen with little respect from the community of infidels.
When Jesus entered Jerusalem the people wanted to make Him king. He told his followers that before He could become king he had to suffer, die and be resurrected so they might have spiritual life. In his kingdom there are no second class citizens.
There is no question in my mind about whose teaching is true. One advocates religous utopia using any means possible including deception to achieve complete domination. The other advocates tranformation as something that must come from within and validates individuality to the point of accepting to agree to disagree.