The Reality of the Jobs Numbers
Greg Howard tweeted to check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics instead of relying on the media to relay the jobs situation. If you follow me, you know I love numbers. Not only did I dig out the numbers, I went and graphed it out.
So I don’t have to deal with the LibKiddies saying I made up the numbers.. here’s the basis for the chart: the clearly right-wing, ever-lying.. Bureau of Labor Statistics. You know us Conservatives, we make up numbers .. not like Obama and his created or saved BS.
So what does the graph say? I believe everyone would say that last July sucked. Massive unemployment, housing values crashing, “cats and dogs living together, fire and brimstone, stuff of biblical proportions..” was the norm. Well, when you look at the graph, notice that the picture hasn’t really changed since last July.
To quote our President, “Uh…”. Where are those 2 million or 2.5 million or whatever number of jobs that he created or saved? How could the chart be basically flat if his miracle of Keynesianism was being realized?
Rhetorical question. Feel free to answer anyway.