
Cap & Trade, Crime Inc, and Maurice Strong

Harry Reid is once again working on a Climate Change/Cap & Trade/ Energy/Pollution Bill and Obama just wanted to remind you what to expect:


That’s right, “Prices will necessarily skyrocket.” And that’s just the minimum you can expect from this oh so wonderous 20 lbs. of legislation. According to Politico:

Reid confirmed the bill will have four parts: an oil spill response; a clean-energy and job-creation title based on work done in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; a tax package from the Senate Finance Committee; and a section that deals with greenhouse gas emissions from the electric utility industry.
Underscoring the delicate nature of the issue, Reid insisted that the proposal he will introduce in about 10 days should not be called a cap-and-trade plan or even a cap on emissions.
“I don’t use that,” he said. “Those words are not in my vocabulary. We’re going to work on pollution.”
In other words, It’s Cap & Trade with another Progressive name change. This will be the most lifestyle affecting legislation in history and will force an unprecedented change on each and every single American. This is quite simply a lifestyle killer, a job killer, a free enterprise killer, and an economy killer. This will be the final blow to our economy and our liberty.
I will explain below, but first you need to meet the man behind the scenes, Maurice Strong.
Maurice Strong is a very powerful Billionaire. He is also currently on the Chicago Climate Exchange Board of Directors, a silent partner in Al Gore’s Generation Investment Management Company, the “godfather of the U.N.’s 1997 Kyoto treaty”, and so much more. Here you can find an extensive dossier by DiscoverTheNetworks.Org.

Here is Maurice Strong in a 1972 BBC Interview:

That’s right, all around Climate Change fear mongering, Global Governance, and licenses for babies due to “over population”

The main thing you need to know about Maurice Strong is his plan, because Obama is following it to the letter. In the following book excerpt you can see the plan take shape, part disguised as an idea for a novel:

This is taken from Chapter 24 of The Creature from Jekyll Island © 2002 by G. Edward Griffin


The use of compulsion is an important point in these plans. People in the industrialized nations are not expected to cooperate in their own demise. They will have to be forced. They will not like it when their food is taken for global distribution. They will not approve when they are taxed by a world authority to finance foreign political projects. They will not voluntarily give up their cars or resettle into smaller houses or communal barracks to satisfy the resource-allocation quotas of a UN agency. Club-of-Rome member Maurice Strong states the problem:

In effect, the United States is committing environmental aggression against the rest of the world. … At the military level, the United States is the custodian. At the environmental level, the United States is clearly the greatest risk. … One of the worst problems in the United States is energy prices – they’re too low. …

It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class … involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and `convenience’ foods, ownership of motor-vehicles, numerous electric household appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning … expansive suburban housing … are not sustainable.

Mr. Strong’s remarks were enthusiastically received by world environmental leaders, but they prompted this angry editorial response in the Arizona Republic:

Translated from eco-speak, this means two things: (1) a reduction in the standard of living in Western nations through massive new taxes and regulations, and (2) a wholesale transfer of wealth from industrialized to under-developed countries. The dubious premise here is that if the U.S. economy could be reduced to, say, the size of Malaysia’s, the world would be a better place. … Most Americans probably would balk at the idea of the U.N. banning automobiles in the U.S.


Maurice Strong believes – or says that he believes – the world’s ecosystems can be preserved only if the affluent nations of the world can be disciplined into lowering their standard of living. Production and consumption must be curtailed. To bring that about, those nations must submit to rationing, taxation, and political domination by world government. They will probably not do that voluntarily, he says, so they will have to be forced. To accomplish that, it will be necessary to engineer a global monetary crisis which will destroy their economic systems. Then they will have no choice but to accept assistance and control from the UN.

This strategy was revealed in the May, 1990, issue of West magazine, published in Canada. In an article entitled “The Wizard of Baca Grande,” journalist Daniel Wood described his week-long experience at Strong’s private ranch in southern Colorado. This ranch has been visited by such CFR notables as David Rockefeller, Secretary-of-State Henry Kissinger, founder of the World Bank Robert McNamara, and the presidents of such organizations as IBM, Pan Am, and Harvard.

During Wood’s stay at the ranch, the tycoon talked freely about environmentalism and politics. To express his own world view, he said he was planning to write a novel about a group of world leaders who decided to save the planet. As the plot unfolded, it became obvious that it was based on real people and real events. Wood continues the story:

Each year, he explains as background to the telling of the novel’s plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With this as a setting, he then says: “What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? … The group’s conclusion is `no.’ the rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? …

“This group of world leaders,” he continues, “form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world’s stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can’t close. The rich countries…” And Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window.

I sit there spellbound. This is not any storyteller talking, this is Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders. He is, in fact, co-chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it.

“I probably shouldn’t be saying things like this,” he says.

And there you have the plan. In order to” save the world” we must bring the most industrialized nations to their knees and force them to be ruled under Global Governance and redistribute wealth in the form of Carbon Credits.

Harry Reid’s Energy Bill will target power plant emissions according to the New York Times:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is drafting legislation to limit carbon emissions at the nation’s power plants, a risky political maneuver that faces divisions within his own party and a Senate clock that is quickly winding down.

Reid (D-Nev.) will place the contentious carbon provision in a broader energy bill that tightens rules around offshore oil drilling, encourages clean energy production and jobs, and reduces oil consumption — things that might be difficult for some lawmakers to oppose.

According to America’sPower.org “Half of the electricity that heats our homes, lights our schools, and powers our businesses comes from coal.”

By placing a tax on Coal Power Plants they will be forced to either go bankrupt, as Obama stated, or simply produce less electricity. That’s half of the electricity in the United States gone or severely cut. From this alone you can expect “skyrocketing” prices due to supply and demand, as well as energy rationing, and rolling blackouts. There simply won’t be enough electricity available for everyone, even if you can afford it.

But don’t take my word for it, let’s look at the UK. In an Article titled “Blackout Britain Faces Big Turnoff” the Express.Co.UK  explains that green hysteria is causing disruptions in their power grid:

BRITAIN faces years of blackouts and soaring electricity bills because of the drive toward green power, a leading energy expert warned last night. A growing obsession with global warming and “renewable” sources threatens the stability of our supply.

Derek Birkett, a former Grid Control Engineer who has a lifetime’s experience in electricity supply throughout Britain, warned that the cost of the crisis could match that of the recent banking collapse. And he claimed that renewable energy expectations were now nothing more than “dangerous illusions” which would hit  consumers hard in the pocket.

“We are going to pay a very heavy price for the fact there has been a catalogue of neglect by the former Government which has focused on renewable energy sources,” Mr Birkett said.

“We need a mix of sources and this takes time. Renewables have the problem of being intermittent, particularly wind, and we need more back-up capacity. By having all our sources in one basket we are risking disruption.

“There is a lot of over-enthusiasm by governments to push global warming, which makes me very suspicious.” Less than five per cent of our energy comes from renewable sources but the “disproportionate” cost of implementing green technology runs into many millions of pounds, he said.

In a new book, When Will the Lights Go Out, published this month, Mr Birkett claims things will only get worse. He said the “lavish incentives” being offered to developers of green energy are being passed on to customers as the UK struggles to meet EU directives on carbon emissions.

He also warned that a growing reliance on renewable energy is creating widespread uncertainty in the electricity supply chain.

With many nuclear power stations and coal plants ending their lives and being taken out of service we “can’t rule out” people being left without power. The real problem is the cost of making sure this does not happen, and Britain’s lights “do not go out”, he warned.

“The country is going to have to make a choice whether to go along with green ideas of renewable generation or go back to coal and nuclear power.”

We too will have high prices, blackouts, and insane carbon standards. Any “Green Energy” currently available is intermittent and not dependable. Due to this American Manufacturing will suffer. If they are able to get the electricity to be productive, the trickle down affect will in turn skyrocket the price of American made merchandise. Factories will close. Businesses will cut costs by layoffs or simply close up shop. Small and Large Business will fail. If you have an electric car, you can’t afford the electricity to charge it, if any is available. You certainly can’t afford the gas prices for a traditional car, not to mention whatever emissions penalties they tie to it. No more air conditioning. No more liberty. The economy will fail. They will claim the Free Market failed.

Maurice Strong, who will make a fortune through trading Carbon Credits at the CCX, will have seen his plan come to fruition through Obama, and delight at the fall of the US economy. Obama will use this failure to enact his Marxist Plan and Nationalize all business and industry in order to save the U.S. from the “Free Market” All in the name of the greatest scam in the world, Climate Change/Global Warming


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One Comment

  1. Well researched and presented article. My speakers quit working so I was unable to experience the full force of your article. Enjoyed it very much and learned important information. Thank you.

  2. July 22, 2012 – finally found the link. & listened to O video – had heard this shit B4 when he initially said it. America need a to stop this socialist pig. Vote him out. As previously stated, love the article.

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