Barack Obama

MAGA Boom! – A.F. Branco Cartoon

Former President Barack Obama made every excuse for why the American economy would never return to its former glory, but…

6 years ago

Obama: 3 percent growth is impossible – Ignorance or intentional lie?

The Obama administration mocked the idea that America could ever again have three percent annual economic growth. It's both a…

6 years ago

Iranian Citizens Can Thank Barack Obama For Their Current Misery and Suffering

Soon after Obama became president, Iran experienced the Green Revolution which was the Iranian citizens’ attempt to free themselves from…

6 years ago

Liberals Strive To Fulfill Obama’s Promised “Fundamental Transformation Of America”

First, they attempted to take Christmas from us, and no matter what the CNN Anchor Don Lemon says, I have…

6 years ago

Actual Headline: Sheep Recognize Obama

Under the heading of "you just can't make this stuff up" AFP released Wednesday a story titled "Baa-rack! Sheep recognise Obama…

7 years ago

Connections: Paul Manafort

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business associate Richard Gates were indicted Monday for money laundering, tax evasion and…

7 years ago

Clinton-Russia Uranium Deal is the Greatest Scandal in American History

"When the hurly burly’s done, when the battle’s lost and one. That will be ere of setting sun. Fair is…

7 years ago

Hypocrisy Reigns as Obama Condemns the Politics of Division

It was an establishment two-for-one deal on Thursday as former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama both attacked the…

7 years ago

The Clinton-Russia-Bribery Scandal Investigation Continues

In my previous article, I reported that the FBI uncovered Russian bribes to the Clintons in 2009 which the Department…

7 years ago

Obama Wanted ISIS Contained; Trump Delivers Them Dead

ISIS is about to be placed on the trash heap of history, right where they belong. AFP reports that mass graves…

7 years ago

Barack Obama Raking in Six-Figures for Wall Street Speeches

Former President Barack Obama is following the lead for another Democrat – Bill Clinton – as he looks to cash…

7 years ago

Sessions announces end of DACA [video]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, at the order of President Donald Trump, announced Tuesday that the unconstitutional Deferred Action for Child…

7 years ago

How Must Poor Barack Obama Feel Now?

One has to have compassion for our beleaguered and ill-treated former president Barack Obama for the way events have developed…

7 years ago

It’s Okay For Liberal Democrats, But It’s Not Okay For Our Side

It’s Okay for Obama to allow transgenders to join the Military, but it’s not Okay for Trump to reverse the…

7 years ago

Report: Trump to Lift Obama Ban on Military Grade Weaponry to Police

When racial rioting broke out in Ferguson, MO back in 2014 after a teenage thug named Mike Brown was killed…

7 years ago