Entertainment, Health and Lifestyle

News on film, music, television your health and more. Medical news, travel stories, up and coming movies, shows and music featuring legendary celebrities and rising stars.

Debt Relief Programs: What They Never Tell You

Your credit card payments are out of control. You're 30, 60 or maybe even 180 days late. Creditors are calling,…

2 days ago

Debt Payoff is a Marathon Not a Sprint

I'm no runner; I don't jog. I'm not even a loper. But I know what a marathon is: a footrace…

3 days ago

A Quick, Easy, Legit Way to Cut Prescription Drug Costs

I want to tell you about a shocking encounter I had with my friendly neighborhood pharmacy that opened my eyes…

4 days ago

Inexpensive Ways to Celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympics

The 2024 Summer Olympics are right around the corner (opening ceremony: July 26, 10:30 a.m. PDT). What a perfect time…

5 days ago

How to Outsmart Those Subliminal Supermarket Tricks

I had never thought much about the logistics and intense marketing behind the supermarket business and all its subliminal aspects…

1 week ago

Getting Ready for a New Puppy

Whether a new puppy makes your dreams of the perfect family dog come true or turns into a total nightmare…

1 week ago

Financial Ease Has Nothing to Do With Being Rich

My life radically changed years ago when I came out of the closet, so to speak. I broke my self-imposed…

2 weeks ago

You Really Need to Submit to That Exam You’ve Been Dreading!

It's been awhile now since I underwent that procedure no one my age likes to talk about. As much as…

2 weeks ago

How to Stick It to Your Creditors

Late fees, punitive interest rates, over-limit fees, loading up your credit report with negative information — it's enough to make…

2 weeks ago

How to Build a Great Wardrobe Without Blowing a Hole in the Budget

Imagine that by some stroke of luck and shopping reversal you had all the cash you've spent on clothes you…

2 weeks ago