Dan Colby (@dpcolby)

Arab Spring: Brotherhood Violence

The Arab Spring that swept the Middle-East has continued to escalate into a more violent situation.  After the Egyptian elections…

12 years ago

New Black Panthers: “Under Siege”

Just days ago, on August 12th 2012, the New Black Panther Party on its radio show was claiming that they(black…

12 years ago

DC Cop allegedly made threatening comments about First Lady

According to the Washing Post, several police officers who work as escorts for White House officials and dignitaries overheard one…

12 years ago

Romney Booed at NAACP Speech

Mitt Romney spoke before the NAACP yesterday, July 11th 2012.  He began his speech to the group by saying, "…

12 years ago

Another Presidential Power Grab


12 years ago

America: Can still be that Shining City on a Hill

Since the passing of Obamacare, which is now being re-branded as "ObamaTax" due to the ruling that was handed down…

12 years ago

Moody Banks, Sad Ecomony

The American financial sector has taken another yet another hit today.  Moody's downgrade of these 15 banks could not have…

12 years ago

The Spread of Economic Greek Fire

The global economy is on fire due to government Water Fountain Economics. Leaders from around the world continue to push…

12 years ago

Phrases of Destruction?

Recently President Obama was heavily criticized for his remarks about how the private sector and that it was "doing fine." …

12 years ago

South Carolina June Primary, DESTROYED

As of today I am no longer a candidate for my county council, along with many other candidates in Oconee…

12 years ago

Flailing PIGS, Euro-crisis looms

While the Obama administration continues to spread the word that the United States is in a recovery, other world leaders…

12 years ago

Why Syria is an Election Problem

With the massive death toll continuing to rise in Syria, the Obama administration seems hesitant to even mention Syria or…

12 years ago

In Remembrance of Sgt. Garvey

Every Memorial Day is one that I remember with certain emotion.  When I joined the United States Army, I was…

12 years ago

The Virtual World: Facebook Crashes

UPDATE: Facebook stock plunges! Today, as the markets came to a close, Facebook, took another slide.  The IPO's share fell…

12 years ago

Facebook loses Face

Friday, when Facebook went public and started offering its share at 38 dollars,  the hype that escorted the new IPO…

12 years ago