Coons Out of Touch on Taxes, Out of Touch with Voters

Wilmington, DE – Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell today responded to New Castle County Executive Chris Coons saying that he could not stay focused while listening to a brief account of the hardships facing Delaware families during a debate at WHYY today.
“If my opponent cannot pay attention to Delaware while executive of New Castle County, how can we trust that he will pay attention to Delaware as a U.S. senator?” O’Donnell said. “Delawareans need a person in office who will listen to the people about their economic issues and address them, not an elitist who dismisses them because he simply doesn’t care.”
O’Donnell had just finished speaking about meeting with a Delawarean who had a terminally ill grandfather who was literally praying that he would die before Jan. 1 so that his children and grandchildren wouldn’t have to sell the family business or have their home go into foreclosure to pay the 55 percent death tax.
Coons then again showed contempt for the needs of Delaware voters by chuckling and saying: “I’m sorry, I was having difficulty focusing.”
Furthermore, Coons has said that he has never heard from anyone in Delaware that their taxes are too high.
As quoted in the Politico: “What the average Delawarean wants is, spend my money well. Cut first, then if you’ve got to raise a little bit, OK. But I do not ever hear people complain that our tax burden is too high.”
*Source: Christine2010

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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