Editorial Cartoons

Wrong Direction

The unions are demanding huge raises and increases to benefit packages under the threat of shutting down car makers.

Who do they think will have to pay for those lavish demands?

Consumers will – we will. The car makers will have to raise prices to cover these costs so that they can collect money from us and give it to the unions. Then, to keep the con going, the unions will turn around and give millions to Democrats.


The car makers will be forced to move production out of the country. That’s a lot of jobs lost.

Commentary by Editor-in-Chief R. Mitchell. Editorial cartoon by Tom Stiglich (@TStig822).

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Tom Stiglich

Starting at a young age Tom Stiglich fell in love with cartooning. This lifelong endeavor has landed Stiglich in the most prominent papers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, TIME Magazine and more.

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