Ind. Planned Parenthood “proud” of abysmal adoption record

The audacity of the child death proponents at Planned Parenthood of Indiana was on full display in a statement recently posted on the organization’s website.
Touting its record of setting up adoptions for clients, the agency tried to make an astonishingly low rate of abortion alternatives something to celebrate.
According to the statement, the agency is “proud to announce that since 2006” it “has paved the way for at least 12 successful adoptions.”
This group of abortocentrists somehow think facilitating less than two adoptions each year qualifies them for some self-adulation. I contend it simply makes conservatives’ point that Planned Parenthood is in the abortion business with little regard for any other purported services.
Considering the agency operates 28 locations statewide and served nearly 80,000 different patients in 2011, a dozen adoptions over seven years seems even less impressive.
Comparing apples to apples, though, one can see what a premium this group puts on ending human life.
While the organization allowed 12 lucky babies to live through adoption services over the past seven years, Planned Parenthood of Indiana staff killed 5,250 others in the womb during 2011 alone.
It baffles me that the organization even posted the statement in the first place. Anyone looking at the above statistics honestly must conclude the paltry number of adoptions is a pittance compared to the thousands of lives snuffed out at the same facility.
Still, publicizing adoption efforts – no matter how pathetically weak – helps spread the politically expedient message that Planned Parenthood does more than provide abortions. This will allow them to continue painting all pro-life conservatives as soldiers on the front line in a fabricated war on women.

B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.

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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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