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Biden-led liberals Look to Ban Interstate Transport of Wildlife

This week, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Secretary of the Interior have been petitioned by two environmental groups seeking to ban all interstate transport of wild mammals and almost all birds, warns the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.

In the petition, all harvested meats, including hides, and antlers, would be restricted and prevented from crossing state lines, despite proper processing or compliance with current CWD transportation laws.

What does it mean for hunters?

For starters, a hunter would not be able to hunt outside of their home state and return with their trophy mount or antlers to hang on their wall. And what about those hundreds of pounds of meat harvested from a deer or elk? That’s right; they too would be restricted from interstate travel. 

The Center for Biological Diversity and the Natural Resources Defense Council are leveraging fear of COVID-19 to push forth their anti-hunting agenda with the petition, which explains that “pandemics caused by zoonoses — infectious diseases that jump from animals to people — are entirely preventable.”

If legislated, the ban would also include any animals from outside the continental United States, including the continent of Africa, which is a haven for hunters. Center for Biological Diversity and Natural Resources Defense Council stated that substantial funding would be necessary to subsidize the massive revenues lost to states in America and countries abroad. In short, more Biden Administration legislative leading to enormous spending. 

What is causing the liberal fear among animals?

Look no further than COVID — that’s right, Democrats are again using the coronavirus to enact more restrictive legislation, especially those “gun-toting” conservatives who take to the fields and woods every year to enjoy in one of America’s oldest recreational sports. 

This week, Field and Stream reported COVID-19 infections among some whitetail deer populations, with U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researchers finding 40 percent of the 385 whitetail deer tested showing COVID-19 antibodies in their blood samples. Tested deer populations came from Michigan, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania between January and March 2021. 

Since COVID-19 crashed upon America’s shores, Democrat Party politics has pitted our people against each other in our country. Today’s liberals are using baseless assumptions to strip Americans’ rights, especially those with conservative values. Democrats first attacked Trump, and now, they are attacking your taxidermy. 

Content syndicated from with permission.

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