It’s a Game Changer
Joe Biden is the master of clichés and catchphrases. These are usually used by someone who cannot express themselves due to a lack of command of the English language. Or who want to hide from the truth of what they are saying. Let’s take a look at the favorite sayings of Joe Biden, and you can decide on his reasons for using them.
Just a kid from Scranton
When he was ten years old, Joe Biden left his hometown of Scranton, PA. Then, his family moved to Delaware, his home to this day. Most people do not define themselves by their first decade, but Joe Biden has for most of his political life. It is with this tactic that Joe tries to relate to blue-collar Americans.
Let me be clear
This phrase is a favorite of the Executive Branch. Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris use this particular catchphrase, but in different ways. Kamala uses it to preface one of her now infamous word salads. She claims to be the clearest when her words and meaningless but plentiful.
Joe uses it when he, and everyone around him, know he is lying. He used the phrase twice during his announcement of the Student Loan Relief Plan. He does not have the authority and does not know how much it will cost, but it is paid for with savings from the Inflation Reduction Act. It is all based on lies.
Ultra MAGA Republicans
Joe Biden is experiencing a “deplorable moment” every time he uses and tries to explain the term. He claims he can respect Conservative Republicans, but he cannot respect and has no use for MAGA Republicans. The Great Unifier is alienating one-half of the populace every time he insults us with his rhetoric. He has no problem taking our tax dollars to spend on his wrongly named programs that were written to kiss the butt of the progressive Left wing. Ironic that Biden claims he cannot believe the control the MAGA movement has had on the Republican Party when it is the Radical Left that has transformed the Democrats.
It’s a Game Changer
President Biden uses this phrase so much that it has lost all meaning. By definition, a game changer is something so significant that it impacts history. The atomic bomb certainly was a game changer as it brought about the end of World War II in the Pacific and brought the battle for nuclear supremacy to the world. Biden has done nothing to change the world in any significant way. He certainly has done much to harm America in his short time in office. With the stroke of a pen, he has attempted to simultaneously destroy the fossil fuel industry and our economy. With a pen, he destroyed our sovereignty and opened our Southern Border to anyone who wanted to enter, abruptly changing the demographics of America. His promise to be the most diverse President in history has assembled the most inept team in American history. Joe Biden’s Presidency has been a game changer, but not how he sees it.
Catchphrases and clichés may be the only things that define Joe Biden. There are some words spoken by some great men that have been remembered for decades. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” defined a young JFK. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” exemplified the renewed power of America brought by Ronald Reagan. These powerful men strived to make America the shining beacon on the hill. Joe Biden has no such words to his credit and has only put a dimmer on that once bright light.
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